The police of Malaysia confirmed stealing of four subject countries
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The police did not manage to identify yet the personality attacking

SINGAPORE, on April 2. / Correspondent. TASS Evgeny Solovyov/. Law enforcement agencies of Malaysia confirmed stealing on Friday evening four subject countries about east coast of staff Sabah. The corresponding statement was made on Saturday by the Police Chief of the Malaysian city of Miri Dzhunaydi Budzhang.

According to him, "incident happened on Friday evening when the vessel intended for transportation of forest products, came back to Malaysia from Manila". Budzhang noted that "four men aged from 21 till 34 years" were kidnapped. According to him, "the police did not manage to identify yet the personality attacking".

Earlier Malaysian newspaper Star reported that seamen were kidnapped by the Philippine Islamists. According to the edition, extremists by the high-speed boat, threatening with the weapon, boarded a schooner. They took some crew members hostage. After that thieves went to territorial waters of Philippines.

Almost a week ago extremists of the Abu Sayaf group operating mainly in the south of Malaysia, took hostage 10 Indonesian seamen, and also stole the barge with coal. As repayment they demanded $1 million