From heavens on water. The most effective falling of figure skaters

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Blows about a board, a hvataniye for a skirt, driving in in ice, free flight and a rupture of the relations – here than were remembered by h1 of falling of the best figure skaters. Falling – an integral part of figure skating. And even along with pie hit in a face – one of the main laughing matters. Actually, we love athletes, but in honor of April 1 decided to make a selection of the most impressive and remembered falling of figure skaters. We wish to readers not only to smile more often and not only this day. And to figure skaters we wish to do without injuries and to amuse the people nevertheless in less chlenovreditelsky ways.

that at old system of refereeing the strongest dancers of the world did not fall, it, of course, the myth. Even one of the best dancers of all times to Oksana Grishchuk and to Evgeny Platov did not manage to avoid mistakes. As, for example, in the European championship of 1998. That is interesting, falling of the partner did not prevent them to win. At new system a victory in dances, having in a passive falling, to gain much more difficult.
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Marina Anisina and Gvendal Peyzera differed innovative approach to programs. Support in which Marina lifts the partner was their firm element. Sooner or later the uncharacteristic effort for the girl had to lead to sad results. The embarrassment occurred in the European championship of 2001 – Anisina did not hold Peyzer, and couple was put about ice. This falling costed them gold medals.
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In 2001 of rivals at the Russian stage of the Grand Prix at Evgeny Plushenko's was not. Using it, he decided to try to jump fourfold Lutz (that with which Boyang Jin now admires), but fell also the first history did not become. But even having started comprehending at an unlucky moment elements of the bottom break, Plushenko all the same with a large supply won tournament.
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Here Plushenko's best-known falling which neither it, nor his admirers cannot already forget nearly 15 years. The Olympic Games to Salt Lake City, 2002. Evgeny breaks a jump in the short program, and their most important fight remains for the irreconcilable rival – to Alexey Yagudin .
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Falling Dang Zhang was included in the annals of world figure skating. The Olympic Games in Turin, competitions of couples. Then fourfold emission was in a novelty. Trying to compete to ours Totmianina and Marinin, the Chinese duet resorted to a last resort. But emission was executed simply awfully that almost costed to the partner of career. And her partner Hao Zhang acts still, treating the present partner also by the principle "force is – mind it is not necessary".
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One more classical falling, and again Turin. Dancers Barbara Fuzar-Pauly and Maurizio Margaglio's were in the lead after a compulsory dance at the house Olympic Games. But in original dance Margalyo's ridiculous falling crossed out every chance on success. Barbara's view of the unlucky partner, at the same time severe, derisive and indulgent, is savoured by TV men and to this day.
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Olympic Games-2006. Irina Slutskaya falls from a rittberger and loses gold, and Russian national team – possibilities of establishment of an absolute record (four gold medals from four).
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One more couple which was actively using the girl as draft force for which it did not end with anything good. In the European championship of 2007 Italians of Federik Fayell and Massimo Scully's executed support. The partner at some instant slipped out Federiki's tenacious hands and only at the last minute managed to take away the head – differently he would feel as driven in into ice nailing.
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Fayella and Scully were in general big specialists in amusing falling. Two years later after the previous enchanting spectacle they fell in the World Cup not less effectively. The moment when Massimo, desperately trying to keep balance, clung to a short skirt of the partner, causes a Homeric laughter still.
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This effective shot served as a non-return point in the relations of Maxim Trankov and Maria Mukhortova's . Sudden falling of the partner from a parallel jump at the Olympic Games in Vancouver gave up as a bad job medal hopes and joint career. Some months later Trankov already rode with Tatyana Volosozhar. That was farther – you know.
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Not the Trankovy uniform. On a parallel sheepskin coat in Vancouver the Italian Nichole Della Monica fell down also. The type of her partner of Yannik Kokon , with the most serious look leaving from a jump while Nicole meets the fifth point the ice, very many did not allow to resist laughter. Now Della Monica acts with the new partner. By the way, we will see them in Boston.
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After Fayella and Scully's leaving on trainer's activity their niche of effective dancing falling occupied Maddison Chok and Evan Bates . At the Canadian stage of the Grand Prix of five-year prescription the duet made laugh the audience when Evan besides that was filled up on a path of steps, so also sshib from feet the partner.
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can Be mistaken even geniuses that confirmed to Yudzur Han in the World Cup of 2013. This falling not so strongly is known, but joins in our selection because of the original photo which has become then a sample for numerous "phototoads". Fun-loving fans added to future Olympic champion that a low stool, a soccerball.
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Jeremy Abbott in the Olympic Sochi could finish competitions after the short program when almost broke a board, having fallen from a jump. But it left on any, having broken an applause and having deserved respect fans of all planet. And its failure was included a day earlier in all charts and more than once became object of parodies.
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Olympic Games-2014. Alyona Savchenko and Robin Shelkovy it were noted by b in any couple of effective falling that allowed ours to Ksenia Stolbova and Fyodor Klimov to come to the second place.
. Photo: Reuters Is not present br, Jason Brown is not drawn with b on a side of the ice arena "Iceberg" — it he so acted in free skating of the Olympic tournament. To be fair it is necessary to tell that in that any all were good – it seemed that leaders competed in number of falling. But the moment with Brown was especially memorable.
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Olympic Games-2014. Falling of Yulia Lipnitskaya deprived "the girl in a red coat" chances of medals in personal tournament. Since then she more never managed unmistakably otkatat both programs.
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the Team championship of the world — 2015. The only tournament of last year where Elizabeth Tuktamysheva was marked out by serious mistakes including falling on the well-known axel. Russians conceded in that tournament to Americans only one point.
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"the Board America – 2015". Rare shots – falling of one of the stablest figure skaters of the present. Satoko Miyakhara did not manage to be kept by b standing at the Grand Prix stage. That, however, did not prevent it to pass in the final.
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falling to Evgeny Medvedev to See not less surprising, than to Miyakhar. Only because of uniqueness we included its falling in the past European championship. And all the same she managed to win there. . Photo: Reuters Source: "Championship"