The Theatre for Young Audience of a name of Kiselyov put the Russian classics
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The new performance "Greenhorn" put on the "Kiselevsk" academic stage by the art director of Theatre for Young Audience, the national actor of Russia Yury Osherov, presents a good lesson to modern parents how not to grow up from the child of mother's darling.

Why the classical play "Greenhorn" seems actual? Really centuries later Russia is still full Prostakovy, Pravdiny, Skotininymi, Starodumami, Vralmanami? These questions are answered by the performance which premiere took place not so long ago in the Saratov Theatre for Young Audience of Kiselyov. Action not so much exposes customs, how many appeals to heart and reason of the audience: believe in beauty of a human race, choose the work and creation road, reject idleness and laziness!


Directors of performance dealt not with the initial text of the great playwright Denis Fonvizin, and with the play according to his comedy written by the theatrical director Leonid Eydlin and the poet, the composer Yuli Kim in the 60th years of the last century - special time of "thaw". The classics was saturated with hints on modern life, was apprehended sharply, too close to the foul. Surprisingly, but also almost in half a century this feeling of a certain risk remained: it seems we can speak about everything openly, but with caution. Let's consider that in everything Fonvizin is guilty.

The mean village on a vzgorka, a kitchen garden with a cabbage ridge, a pig in a pool, locals with "narrow" mind, but economy well guided in questions, animal husbandry, foreign policy and the law of succession. Thus of God are afraid and all-all want to be happy.

Mitrofanushka (Mikhail Tretyakov) - no more no less the Russian Hamlet. The statement it "I do not want to study, I want to marry" quite comparably with "To be or not to be? " the prince Danish because defines destiny of the young man. As it becomes clear to the final - tragic. Directors of performance if give a reason to scoff at the greenhorn, from sympathy shares.

Not Cha NA ZERKALO PENYATV this performance in general a little at whom it is possible to laugh. Even Skotinin (Alexey Chernyshev) with his passion concerning pigs is clear: quite explainably to appropriate his desire Sofya's economy (Irina Protasova). Sadly from Pravdin (Alexey Krivega) and Staroduma (Alexey Karabanov) - pathos, near chistoplyuev.

In general the director Yury Osherov devoted this performance of mother of Mitrofan - to madam Prostakova, and, probably, in her face to all Russian mothers.

The author of these lines had also no doubt shadow that, creating an image of Prostakova, the brilliant actress Victoria Shanina will remember an image of Iokasta - wives and Oedipus's mothers in performance "Sophocles. Oedipus, tyrant". In Prostakov's final, as well as in due time Iokasta in "Oedipus", publishes a terrible cry of despair - the umbilical cord connecting it with the son is torn, at last, and it both is terrible, and is sick. In a drop scene Prostakova torn to pieces by circumstances causes sympathy in the viewer. After all mothers cannot put life for the sake of happiness of the sons, let everything achieve. As it is old, as inescapably.

Huge cabbage heads of cabbage scenery - dense, juicy, promising the future full winter with Russian cabbage soup and the pies, cut down slide downhill and symbolize chaos and world crash.



"Greenhorn" - practically the musical. Music turns strengthen contact of a scene and a hall. This work in statement the honored worker of arts of Russia Anatoly Katts directed. The art director of performance - the Muscovite Yury Harikov, the owner of three "Gold masks" and "the Gold Harlequin".

New performance in Theatre for Young Audience - as if model of the Russian world as now speak.

Youri Petrovich Osherov
Last position: Artistic director (State independent cultural institution "Youth theater Kiseleva")
Fonvizin Denise
Kim Yuly