Meeting of Public council took place at the Ministry of affairs of public service
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MDGS RK press service, on March 31

On March 31, 2016 meeting of Public council took place at the Ministry of affairs of public service (further – Public council) under the leadership of the Chairman of Public council, the head of Republican public association "National movement against corruption to "Zhanar" of Abdykarimov O. A. Takzhe at meeting members of Public council, heads of structural divisions of the Ministry, the subordinated organizations of the Ministry – Academies of public administration at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC NTsUPGS took part.

During meeting members of Public council considered questions of formation of the commissions on activities, modification of the Plan of work the current year, and also were acquainted with activity of structural divisions and the subordinated organizations of the Ministry.

Following the results of meeting 4 commissions of Public council on activities are created:

– on monitoring of achievement by the Ministry of strategic objectives and execution of the budgetary programs;

– concerning improvement of public service and the state services;

– concerning the analysis and activities of state agencies for corruption counteraction;

– concerning the ethical rules authorized on ethics.

The honored worker of public service Karabulat Nurtazin, professor of chair of public administration and public service of Academy of public administration at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zinaida Fedotova, the deputy of the Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Georgy Kim, and professor of the Kazakh humanitarian and legal university, the member of the commission on pardon at the President of RK Tolesh Kaudyrov are elected chairmen of the commissions.

Also according to new requirements of the legislation members of Public council considered the draft of the order of the Ministry "About some questions of activity of the representative on ethics".

Now in all central government bodies and regional akimats of the republic Representatives are determined by ethics who are urged to watch moral behavior of civil servants. Representatives on ethics possess the right to advise civil servants concerning application of the legislation on public service, to protect their rights and to study moral and psychological climate in collective.

Members of Public council approved the draft of the order of the Ministry brought on coordination "About some questions of activity of the representative on ethics", anonymous questioning of civil servants approving a form and a form of the report of the representative on ethics of government bodies.

For providing with necessary conditions of activity of Public council with the Ministry the special office where on a constant weekly basis the reception of citizens by members of Public council according to the approved schedule will be carried out is allocated.

The public council at the Ministry is created for realization of a state policy on formation of the accountable state before the population, ensuring broad participation of non-profit organizations, citizens in decision-making by government bodies of all levels. The first meeting was held on February 29 the current year during which were chosen the Chairman, the secretary and structure of presidium of Public council.

Information on results of meetings of Public council will be available on an official Internet resource of the Ministry.

According to a site