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On March 31 the chairman of Territorial election commission of Zverevo held meeting with chairmen of precinct election commissions of Zverevo.

At meeting the questions concerning preparation for the upcoming elections of deputies State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, training of members of precinct election commissions, a reserve of structures of precinct election commissions in 2016 were considered.

Mironenko S. V. informed colleagues that in March of the current year in regional Training center of organizers of elections spring training session is open. According to a quota, with 17.04.2016g. on 23.04.2016g. in regional Training center of organizers of elections 10 members WICK of Zverevo have to be trained, having noted that the Regional election committee is firmly convinced that the chairman WICK during the term of office has to increase the qualification in Training center. In municipal "City of Zverevo" this task is solved – 100% of chairmen had such training. Nevertheless, level of readiness of secretaries and deputy chairmen WICK causes concern, in communication with what asked to provide till 05.04.2016g. lists of members WICK directed on training.

Also Mironenko S. V. reminded of need of obtaining references on the income for 2015 to all members WICK with the right of the casting vote, being municipal and civil servants who Rostov region and Zverevsky City Council the sixth convocation took part in elections of the Governor. These references are necessary for submission of data on the income for 2015