Football artist

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Metreveli Slava ( Metreveli Slava ("Dynamo", Tbilisi) (Photo: Of Kikvadze / TASS)

our last football chagrin, deficiency of leaders and lack of stars as a part of Russian national team involuntarily force to look back, in time when USSR national team was one of the strongest in Europe. Clever, skillful performers in its structure was much. One of them — the forward Slava Metreveli .

It is a name rattled in 50−60-х years of the last century. It could beat easy two-three rivals and score a tremendous goal. The South American public which it was difficult to surprise with something admired Metreveli's filigree art even. Pelé's invited Slava to play for the national team of the world in a farewell match of "The king of soccer" …

Small retreat. Many talents grew in the south of the Soviet Union, especially Georgia was famous for them. It is worth reminding at least some names of virtuosos of a ball: Shota Yamanidze, Mikhail Meskhi, Murtaz Hurtsilava, David Kipiani, Vladimir Gutsayev . Them, representatives of different generations were united by high mastery.

… It is possible to think that parents gave to the son a ringing name Glory in hope that he leaves a trace in the history. No, they were simply sure of it. Only did not know, in what area. However, the father of future football player, the cook of the Sochi restaurant Kalistrat Fomich , probably, believed, what the offspring will go on his feet, and remarkably will prepare …


By the way, it is curious to learn, whether future forward gave such hopes? The answer to this question is not present. But it is precisely known that Slava in the childhood proved to be in other sphere — football. Began career in the youthful Work team from Adler. Then the technical, quick fellow with a shock burningly - black hair called in Sochi "Spartak" …

Certainly, names of these clubs acting in the lowest leagues of superiority of the USSR, will not tell anything to modern fans of soccer. Probably, they heard something about Metreveli's following team — "Torpedo" from Gorky (nowadays — Nizhny Novgorod) which too there were no stars from the sky. But the forward was very outstanding figure!

— Once we went to Gorky, to a friendly match with local "Torpedo" — the known player of other "Torpedo", Moscow, Nikolay Manoshin . — Metreveli acted a position of the right insider, I — on a place of the left halfback. And we with Slava had to play constantly against each other. Opposition was absolutely equal.

last minutes the home team acquired the right for the angular. I had to be responsible for Metreveli, however his breakthrough yawned, and Slava the head scored the only goal. After the game Beskov who was at that time the head coach of Moscow "Torpedo", suggested it to get over to the capital". "Torpedo"

during that time shone, the benefit to team there was the whole scattering of talents — Eduard Streltsov, Valentin Ivanov, Gennady Gusarov, Valery Voronin, Leonid Ostrovsky , the mentioned Manoshin. And it only part of the nice list! In 1960 the team of automobile works of Likhachev made a double — won national championship and won a cup, and in a year received silver medals. This success was achieved in many respects thanks to the trainer Victor Maslov whom football players obeyed implicitly because he allowed them to be engaged in creativity in the field. It was grateful to the mentor and Metreveli. Took a position in the attack center earlier, Maslov moved it on the right edge where Slava appeared in all splendor. He was the true artist of attack.

Alas, in 1962, after the left Maslov, stretched to an exit and leading football players. Manoshin passed into CSKA, Ostrovsky left Kiev "Dynamo", and Hussars became the Moscow Dynamo member. Well and Metreveli went to Tbilisi.


from the capital of Georgia at that time was bright, original team. The only thing that did not suffice to it — fighting spirit. "Even after the season of 1964 memorable for us was successfully begun — Metreveli remembered — it seems, only one Gabriel Dmitriyevich Kachalin (the coach of the team — an editor's note) did not laugh over me when I assured children that we can become champions".

But it occurred! They and the capital Torpedo members who have gathered identical quantity of points, met in a "gold" match which in November of the 1964th passed in Tashkent. It is possible to understand feelings of the forward who left to play against the former team. However, lyrical memoirs walked to reject …

In the second time Muscovites opened the account, but soon Dynamo members made even it. In an extra time the Georgian team undividedly dominated in the field, having scored three goals. The last ball sent Metreveli to a grid of gate of avtozavodets — 4:1!

… In Tbilisi he was a general idol. At the house of the football player in Tbilisi the people always crowded. People came to look wonderfully well, to exchange a word several, to take the autograph. Fans loaded the forward gifts — meat, fruit, wine.

At that time even the joke about it walked: "There comes to Moscow the peasant from the deaf Georgian village and with surprise reads the slogans hanged everywhere: "Glory of CPSU! " Then asks the first comer: "Tell, dear, and who such CPSU? I know Slava Metreveli, and about Slava CPSU never heard. He in what team plays? ""

In the field for Metreveli hunted, impudently beat on feet and it is frequent — cruelly. Alas, injuries — a bitter fate of those masters who cannot almost be stopped by rules. And Slava complained about the hard share: "I do not accuse the player which not in forces purely football receptions to combat. The trainer who sets a task is guilty: "You do not play, but let and him do not play". The judge who perfectly sees that occurs is guilty also, and is silent. So hunt for Byshovtsy , and from arbitrators it and other original players have no protection. Very unpleasantly and sad to be a target …"

To a great regret, the talented forward of Kiev "Dynamo" was compelled to finish the career in 27 years! To all heavy injuries of the inhabitant of Kiev were fault. Now Anatoly Fedorovich prefers not to remember it. And after all he could play as early as years five-six!

also other forward of Tbilisi "Dynamo" — of Meskhi , playing on the left flank enjoyed Wide popularity. When as a part of the Georgian team these two forward acted, the concert was provided to the audience. Meskhi and Metreveli admired tribunes with a set of unusual gestures, the cascade of feints. When Mikhail and Slava were in good mood, could break off any protection.

"We with Mischa often argue — joking, of course — who from us better, — were told by Metreveli. — At Meskhi explosive speed is better, than at me, and I play the head better. It has an excellent blow from the left foot, but at me Meskhi-Metreveli's Tandem successfully is stronger with right …"


supported USSR national team. In 1960 the Georgian forwards as a part of the main team of the country became owners of the European cup. Glory evened the score, and the victorious goal was scored by Victor Ponedelnik .

Alas, other laurels from USSR national team of Metreveli did not find though spoke at two World Cups. But in 1962 in Chile in game with Yugoslavia he was traumatized. And it Igor Chislenko replaced . Since then in the national team they acted alternately, however trainers preferred the Moscow Dynamo member more often. Who was better than p for

— Metreveli or Chislenko? Question that is called debatable. Here Manoshin's opinion: "Their manner of game cannot be compared and Chislenko's stability did not differ. But could play on the verge of a fantasy. In the national team one trainers preferred Igor, others — Glory. Personally against the first it was much simpler to me to play. It seems to me, Metreveli after all was more feasible …"

pertinently to provide other quote — from the book of the known football observer Lev Filatov : "In the national team, despite obvious merits, Metreveli continually appeared under a question mark — not all trainers were imposed by its subtle art, for some the too thin. It is not deprived a veroyatiya that pranks, a sharp tongue did not arrange its obstinacy. In the World Cup of 1966 Metreveli appeared the latest match. And the international press had a bewilderment: how it was possible to keep in a stock of such player? None of ours …" with Metreveli's

were not simply high quality player, he was the football esthete. Here recognition of the forward: "When I hit into the right far corner, the ball has to get there. And when I hammer, it is completely satisfied. But if you aim in a corner, and you get to the defender, and the ball a ricochet flies to a grid, I feel sorry for the goalkeeper. It is a pity also for the defender. And I have no pleasure. If I only could, I would not set off such goals …"

you can present, what today someone will tell something similar? The main thing — to hammer. At any cost and not only foot and head, but even hand …

November, 1961. Argentina national team at that time carried a title of champions of South America, was not that is strong, and is powerful, but the team of the Soviet Union pulled out a victory at South Americans. 75 thousand audience of River Pleyt stadium were embraced with grief, however paid tribute to skill of newcomers from Europe.

Slava did not score the goals, however took direct part in productive attacks which were finished twice by Monday. It, Meskhi, unanimously called the author of a double and Lev Yashin heroes of the meeting which has come to the end with the score 2:1 in favor of the Soviet team.

The next day newspapers dazzled with compliments to the Soviet football players. One of editions estimated their talent in currency: Mikhail Meskhi Slava Metreveli Victor Ponedelnik — on 50 million dollars, Lev Yashin — whether without the price …

Can today even dream of a victory of Russian national team over Argentinians moreover on their field? This question can cause only sad smile …

Unfortunately, the shots, the imprinted stars of the past years, remained not so much. But nevertheless they are. Probably, fragments with participation of the hero of this sketch will be found also.

in summary — one more quote. "I like to remember how played Metreveli: soccer grows in my opinion, legchayet, becomes kinder, gets prettier". These words belong to Filatov, the person being a good judge and understanding in game.