In the Takhtamukaysky area will earn a new judicial site
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The head of department of Judicial department in the Republic of Adygea Yu.G. Hakuy presented to staff of Takhtamukaysky district court the world judge of a new judicial site.

Proceeding from increase in population in the Takhtamukaysky area will earn a new judicial site which will be the fourth in the area. According to the Federal law of November 28, 2015 No. 353-FZ "About modification of article 1 of the Federal law " About total number of world judges and quantity of judicial sites in subjects of the Russian Federation " adopted the Law of the Republic of Adygea "About modification of the Law of the Republic of Adygea "by About creation of judicial sites and positions of world judges of the Republic of Adygea ", increased quantity of judicial sites and positions of world judges on 1 unit in the Takhtamukaysky area of the Republic of Adygea.

Due to this circumstance in the current year the main efforts of Management on ensuring activity of world judges of the Republic of Adygea will be directed on creation of an additional judicial site, namely preparation of rooms for placement of the world judge and his device; equipment computer and office equipment; providing a new site with the fire and security alarm system, blanks production and other material values.

The resolution of the State Council - the Republics of Adygea Hase of March 23, 2016 No. 1452-GS to a position of the world judge of a judicial site No. 4 of the Takhtamukaysky area appointed Olga Nikolaevna Tymoshenko having sufficient length of service by a legal profession, including Bol 8 years as the assistant to the judge.