For Tambov region and residents of Tambov
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Journalists "


" spent day on pig factory farm of JSC <23>

Gold Field

" in Znamensk the area

However about everything one after another.

In a priority -

To get on pig factory farm not so simply: the enterprise works in the closed mode and has high extent of zoosanitary protection. Access to animals is strictly limited, the staff of pig factory farm before an entrance is obliged to take a sanitary shower, to change clothes in a special form. " Shopping mall <31> " rules of veterinary also obliged to observe journalists, took away in shower and gave out overalls.

- Our employees are forbidden to keep pigs in personal subsidiary farms, - the chief physician of the enterprise Gogun Alexander Antonovich tells.

By Gogun Alexander Antonovich, as they say in the Russian fairy tales, "neither the animal will not run, nor the bird will not fly by". Not only strangers are forbidden to come for perimeter: for animals there also do not wait. Besides exclusively veterinary work, it still carries out the functions similar to work of the ornithologist at the airport: single shots frightens off birds. With approach of spring and an arrival of feathery similar occupations at it increases.

- Birds, cats, mice are carriers of many diseases dangerous to pigs. Therefore we carefully control that foreign animals here were not, - the veterinarian adds.

Carefully here treat and food of animals: the formula-feed plant located in the territory of pig factory farm, daily makes twenty-thirty tons of production. Wheat, corn, soy and other components of compound feed also are grown up on fields" by of the Gold Field ". Similar approach guarantees that twelve types of forages for cows and pigs will be made, including, and under ecological . No dangerous "chemistry" in pork of the enterprise happens.

Also the enterprise refused use of skotomogilnik, having constructed in the territory a kremator. The pinned-up defective animals, waste of finishing production do not get to the znamensky earth, and are burned. Lack of burials - an unconditional guarantee of that today, in the future waste will not get to the soil and ground waters.

Full cycle

On pig factory farm support pigs of three known breeds - landras, large white and a dyurok. Besides cultivation on meat, the enterprise is engaged also in breeding production. Selection watch carefully, leaving only the best animals and regularly updating a genetic variety of a livestock pigs from the proved enterprises.

- " Large white " is famous for fertility, at breed meat "dyurok" excellent flavoring characteristics, from pigs of breed "landras" high-quality bacon turns out. We cross these breeds to achieve the most optimum ratio according to all characteristics, - Gogun Alexander Antonovich continues.

In pork "maternity hospital" - purity, constants temperature and humidity. Newborn pigs need heat to 38 degrees therefore over each "nest" special lamps are in addition established. Inoculations noisy posterity do not torment: one of the few injections - a ferriferous preparation. Thanks to it at pigs anemia does not develop.

For the 28th day them send to "day nursery", to growing, and after - to sagination. On each of stages an animal change a forage and the contents conditions, different generations do not contact with each other, and the place of the contents is carefully disinfected before start of new pigs. Everything becomes "on science" thanks to what it is possible to reach good indicators of "mortality". The case of pigs makes only 3-6 percent at norm in ten percent. And on an additional weight - at a sagination stage it makes the advanced indicators to kilogram per day. By the way, " the Educational book svinarya ", let out in 1967, says us that an optimum average daily additional weight for a pig - 600-800 grams a day.

Ideal pork - with small amount of fat, but with fine tastes - turns out from animals age in 150-165 days. Use of antibiotics, as we know, strongly reduces terms of a set of weight, especially at young growth. So, for example, arrive not only to far Brazil and Argentina, but also in other farms Ivanovo region. But the question of advantage of "beefy" pork remains open.

- We work most naturally, we understand that these to ourselves is also children to feed, instead of to send somewhere at the other end of the world. We do not pursue foreign indicators and profit. The main thing - health and quality, - is declared by Gogun Alexander Antonovich.

Daily for meat processing to Tambov send 50-70 pigs cut on semi-hulk - only more than four tons. Further part from them send, for example, for production of sausage, and part realize in the form of meat. It is delivered directly in shops of a distribution network "to Znamensky meat and ".

All in economy - about nine and a half thousand animals of different age and appointment that does the enterprise to one of considerable in the region. Is on pig factory farm and own laboratory where various researches are conducted and the seed material is stored. Besides, at the enterprise electronic "file" on each animal (age, parents, the main indicators) is kept. It allows to achieve the best results on posterity, to avoid closely related communications, to track "genealogy" of an animal.

People of work

Today on svinokomlekse and a formula-feed plant about fifty people work: the majority of them, besides the invited narrow experts, inhabitants of the village of Duplyato-Maslovo. To work in open company" with the Gold Field " among villagers is considered prestigious, after all here for them waits not only stable work and a good , but also other advantages.

So, the osemenator Kopaeva Olga works on pig factory farm six years, admits that the work loves and not only because it is pleasant to be engaged in animals.

- It is not so simple to find good work in the village, - Kopaeva Olga . Here will always meet halfway.

Thanks to work on pig factory farm" own house in Duplyato-Maslovo appeared of the Gold Field " at Kopaeva Olga : with its acquisition the administration, part workers helped the housing goes to the account of for .

- Unless I could buy the house with the bank ? I do not think, - the woman swings the head.

And here for Andreeva Ludmila work on pig factory farm began the real incentive "to study, study and once again to study". On agricultural enterprise she works since 2011. The capable employee was noticed by the chief physician Gogun Alexander Antonovich and suggested to increase qualification. Now Andreeva Ludmila studies as the veterinary paramedic, and in the long term at the young woman - to become the veterinarian.

- Right after school I went to work, was engaged in a family later, and now understood that very much I want to study. Gogun Alexander Antonovich became my mentor here, and I am grateful to it. It is pleasant to work, always it is possible to find a scientific research highlight. Besides, new knowledge helps me to cope and with a household: I behave at krupnorogaty cattle, - with enthusiasm Andreeva Ludmila speaks.

Science on advantage

In plans at the enterprise - start of the new case for the maintenance of animals, acquisition of pigs for breeding cultivation, further work on production of useful, natural and ecologically safe production for residents of Tambov. Already today the pig factory farm" of the Gold Field " repeatedly gained recognition and an appreciation of experts of different level, his employees were awarded by municipal and regional diplomas.

- For us it is essentially important that professionals of the business worked at the enterprise. We are visited regularly by the staff of the Voronezh research institute, advises concerning pig-breeding. We watch and innovations in this sphere: our workers visit specialized seminars, conferences. Pleases that they seek to study, - the director general of open company" tells the Gold Field ", the deputy TAMBOV CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE TAMBOV REGION Andrey Gritsienko.

Result of difficult and laborious work - natural meat for residents of Tambov which corresponds to the high quality standards. It can be got in specialized pavilions" of the Gold Field " in many regions of area - Tambov, Michurinsk, Pervomaisk, Rasskazovsk, Znamensk and others. About quality are told by a stable great demand of buyers. Natural meat from" " is bought up by of the Gold Field literally within a day.

Our ancestors were right, speaking about "where was born, there and fitted". How attracted foreign with bright packing and the tempting slogans, more usefully and more fine grown up on the native earth hardly you will find. And now we precisely know why.

Andrey Gritsienko
Last position: Deputy of the Tambov City Council of the sixth convocation
Gogun Alexander Antonovich
Kopaeva Olga
Andreeva Ludmila