Resolution "11".02.2016 of of N11
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About creation of the interdepartmental commission on inspection, categorization and certification of places of mass stay of people in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area

According to requirements to anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of the people, approved by the resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2015 of N272 "About the Approval of Requirements to Anti-terrorist Security of Places of Mass Stay of People and the Objects (Territories) Which Are Subject to Obligatory Protection by Police, and Forms of Material Safety Data Sheets of Such Places and Objects (Territories)", for the organization and performance of actions for inspection, categorization and certification of places of mass stay of people in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area I DECIDE:

1 . To create the interdepartmental commission on inspection, categorization and certification of places of mass stay of people (further - the Commission) in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area.

2 . To approve:

2.1 . Commission structure (Annex 1 to the present resolution).

2.2 . The provision on the Commission in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area (The annex 2 to the present resolution).

2.3 . Form of the act of inspection and categorization of a place of mass stay of people in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area (The annex 3 to the present resolution).

3 . To assign the organization and coordination of actions for inspection, categorization and certification of places of mass stay of people to the created Commission.

4 . To offer heads of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, the organizations and establishments, in whose maintaining there are places with mass stay of people, to take necessary measures for performance of the actions connected with categorization and certification of places with mass stay of people in the territory of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area.

5 . To publish the present resolution in the Halkjan Dosch newspaper.

6 . Control over the implementation of the present resolution I reserve

The head of administration of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area A-to. U. GARBAYEV