Regional specialists – tourists returned from VDTs "Change" (Anapa)
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Regional specialists – tourists returned from VDTs "Change" (Anapa)

Pupils of MAOU DOD "Center of Children's and Youthful Tourism" returned from the All-Russian children's center "Smena" located on the coast of the Black Sea in Anapa.

From March 3 to March 16, 2016 here "The festival of young regional specialists tourists "my Russia was held! "". The program included a complex of actions of a tourist and local history and ecological orientation. On a festival there arrived about 300 school students from twenty regions of the country. It is necessary to tell that teams of subjects of the Russian Federation were formed mainly from participants of the events, held FGBOU DOD FTSDYUTIK from among regional specialists tourists, winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian, republican, regional, regional tourist and local history meetings and competitions.

As told the head of the MAOU DOD team TSDYUTUR methodologist N. A. Sviridova, the program of a festival turned out very interesting and saturated. Young regional specialists tourists visited master classes, participated in educational researches, practical nature protection works in VDTs "Change" territory. Children got acquainted with the nature of Krasnodar Krai, went hiking also expeditions. Left at excursion. Our school students visited the hero town of Novorossiysk.

Pupils of MAOU DOD TSDYUTUR at a festival could prove perfectly. All participants of our team (the team competition at a festival was not held) became prize-winners and winners of competitions.

Foot tourism competitions: the first place – Titov Ilya, the first — Klokova Sofya, the second – Komardina Ksenia, the third – Kurochkin Andrey;

Orientation "Labyrinth": the third place – Klokova Sofya;

GTO 3stupen all-round: the first place – Komardina Ksenia ("Exercise on flexibility"), the first place — Komardina Ksenia ("Trunk lifting from a prone position on a back"), the second place — Klokova Sofya (Trunk lifting from a prone position on a back);

Competition of experts regional specialists: the second place — Titov Ilya, the third — Tikhonov Daniil, Kabanova Tatyana, Smagina Tatyana, Klokova Sofya, Competition of a patriotic song: the first place — Kabanova Tatyana, the third — Kamynina Sofya (the senior group);

Competition of readers: the first place — Kamynina Sofya (the senior group), the second – Kabanova Tatyana, the third – Popov Danila;

Competition "City of Masters": the second place — Kamynina Sofya (the senior group);

Competition "Description of a Museum Subject": the second place - Kamynina Sofya, Novikov Sergey, Tikhonov Daniil;

Competition "Local History Newspaper": the first place – editors: Klokova Sofya and Kamardina Ksenia;

Competition "Ecological Poster": the first place – Kamynina Sofya.

Besides, all participants of the MAOU DOD team TSDYUTUR were awarded by diplomas for active participation in work of the profile change devoted, including, to Year of the Russian cinema and the 75 anniversary of defense of the Brest fortress.

Many new and unforgettable impressions the Festival at all children left! The MAOU DOD team TSDYUTUR invited to the forthcoming next festival of regional specialists tourists which will take place in August, 2016 in Smolensk.

Source: Administration of the Yelets municipal area