China - the longevity country
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Tells MRK! On air From Society Life program. At a microphone leader Xinchang.

China — the biggest country in the world on population — 1,36 billion people. But that China strongly are kept by championship in number of elderly people, know, probably, the few.

In the 2013th of people of old age to China overcame a mark of 200 million people (boleye14%), to the 2015th 221 million, and in 10 years — 487 million are expected. And it is much more women of advanced age, than men, a proportion about 100:60.

According to sociologists, nearly 60% of elderly people are in China live together with the children. And only 7% separately. With growth of a standard of living and, as a result, its durations, the number of elderly people in China will constantly increase.

In China the care of the elderly population practically is continually visible. The traditional norms of morals put in the Chinese philosophical and ethical doctrines, are reflected in the legislation China. So, under local laws, adults and able-bodied children have to care (morally and financially) of aged and disabled parents.

In July, 2012 in China left the updated law on protection of the rights and interests of elderly people. In a number of its provisions the duty is prescribed a thicket to visit elderly parents.

Usually life of the elderly person in China begins early in the morning. Many at dawn prefer occupations by respiratory gymnastics the chi kung, some gather to play badminton. The women who have recently retired, like to learn a little since early morning to waltz, well and someone the care of birdies carries away. The matter is that to keep a dog in the populous megalopolis it is rather burdensome, especially for the elderly. Inoculations and many other things are necessary to a dog special registration, that demands considerable expenses. Elderly people in China prefer to breed birdies, "bringing them to walk" or to a descant (naturally, in cages). After a couple of hours of morning activity old men go on the nearest market to buy fresh vegetables by a dinner. In Beijing it begins early enough, approximately at midday. From midday before o'clock in the afternoon in China it is possible to call time a siesta. But it is not connected with a heat though in the summer these hours the most hot part of days is necessary. From twelve till one o'clock in the afternoon, after a dinner, elderly Chinese have a traditional midday dream that helps to keep cheerfulness till the evening.

Life of old men considerably becomes more active by the evening, especially in the summer, when by the end of day any more so hot. Elderly prefer to be engaged in favourite sports, gather for occupations by dances or simply to sit in the fresh air and to communicate. In the large cities in many residential districts there are special centers of leisure for elderly people. Membership in club costs not much, about 30 yuans for half a year (about 5 dollars). Having paid a contribution, it is possible to happen freely in club, to do gymnastics under the leadership of the trainer, igratv Ping-Pong and to visit various groups on interests. At such clubs various educational lectures and seminars are given, English teaching specially for elderly people is organized.

The agency information agency "Sinkhua" published information that in Beijing the number of people is more senior than 60 years daily increases by 400 people, thus 100 Pekineses daily celebrate the 80 anniversary. On a life expectancy indicator (81 years) Beijing came nearer to the average level of the developed countries and takes the 1st place over the country. In comparison with 2001 life expectancy increased more than for four years. The number of the people who have stepped a 80-year boundary, makes 22,4 million people.

In China three areas are known for the long-livers. It is the city Rugao (Province of Jiangsu), the city Zhongxiang (Province of Hubei) and the district of Bam (Region of Guangxi). Ratio of number of people which already in 100 years, in these regions is much higher than an average value of United Nations (75 people who have reached hundred years, on one million inhabitants). In the city Rugao the highest average value of life expectancy on a planet lives the largest number of centenary long-livers, and in the district of Bam: in the village of Bapan of this district from 510 inhabitants seven noted long ago a centenary. It almost by two hundred times exceeds the average world indicator.

One of the main reasons of this phenomenon — local ecology. Experts note that water which is drunk by inhabitants of the town Zhongxiang, contains strontium, molybdenum and potassium. And in the district of Bam, according to experts, longevity provides fine quality of air, in each which cubic centimeter contains to 30 thousand negatively loaded ions while the norm makes only 1 — 2 thousand. In the town Rugao connect longevity with features of the local soil which is rich with manganese and zinc at almost total absence of copper and cadmium.

Confucian idea of honoring of seniors, undoubtedly, one more reason of that people in China live up to so respectable age. Old men always sit at the head of a table, and each member of family community considers as the duty to help them with everyday life. Certainly, to live long, it is necessary to lead the correct life. Two thirds of long-livers Rugao never smoked, did not take strong alcoholic drinks, daily did manual work. Daily liftings are habitual for inhabitants of the district of Bam behind water on a small next hill.

Longevity provides also special food. One of daily dishes of inhabitants of the district of Bam — "longevity soup", which main ingredient — oil from hemp seeds. At inhabitants Rugao in a daily diet porridge from rice, wheat flour and barley. It eat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. According to the Chinese doctors, porridge is very useful to a spleen and a stomach. Locals occasionally drink the yellow rice wine containing proteins, enzymes and bifidoki which also promote life extension. In the village Rugao never were death from a hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and a cancer.

According to data of United Nations, it is considered to be China will outstrip China, thus for a long time China will be the country with the number of elderly and old people greatest in the world. For this reason the care of this age group of the population gains prime importance for the state.

Dear radio listeners. Time of a today's broadcast "From Society Life" came to an end. If you want to listen to our programs in Russian, visit, please, our website. Its address: RUSSIAN.CRI.CN C you was the leader Xinchang. I ask to speak to colleagues.

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