Comedy tragedy. The Saratov theater reduction wait
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Than optimization of theater of the Russian comedy will turn back for citizens, the correspondent "AIF - Saratov" found out.

Troupe will decapitate?

Last week it became known that the troupe of the Saratov theater of the Russian comedy, consisting of 22 actors, shortly has to be reduced by seven people. The oldest employees of theater standing at the origins of its creation will be on street. Besides, in establishment are going to dismiss the only production director. It is supposed that directors will invite for creation of each separate performance.

Actors of theater categorically did not agree with the decision of Ministry of Culture of area. On a site of petition of they published the address: employees of institution urge to support them and to keep theater.

"We turn "into team without trainer and the captain". The troupe is decapitated! Without director further development of theater is impossible! Dismissal is a first step to theater destruction. We are sure that not extension of contracts with young actors" will be the following step, - is spoken in the collective petition.

By the way, theater of the Russian comedy - one of young theaters of the city. From 1998 to 2007 it was independent establishment, and then became branch of the Saratov drama theater of a name of Slonov. - performances take place this only similar establishment in Leninsky district of the city remote from the center on a scene of the former recreation center of "Tekhsteklo". This year the theater with the comedy "Will of the Glutton" participates in the VIII Regional theatrical festival "Gold Harlequin".

Closing will not be?

As assure of the area Ministry of Culture, to worry there are no reasons: in theater there takes place annual optimization of regular number, about closing of the speech does not go. According to officials, under reduction employees of a retirement age, already some seasons in a row not taken in performances got generally. And the invited directors instead of one constant only diversify repertoire.

- In this case it is necessary to have courage soberly to estimate a situation. The relations between the head of creative collective and the founder are regulated by the contract. If the employer in interests of common cause considers necessary staff reduction and thus does not break the law, this its right and a duty, - Sergey Schukin, the art director of theater of focuses "Skateboard" makes comments on a situation.

We rob the viewer

Anatoly Katts, art director of regional philharmonic hall:

- Unfortunately, similar reductions happen in cultural institutions over all country, including in our philharmonic hall. The state looks for ways of reduction of expenses. But why it in such degree concerns cultural workers? Finally similar approach can affect level of performances, concerts, performances. Thus we rob the viewer. Moreover, after dismissal the actor has no place to disappear - at other theaters too cut down staff.

Shchukin Sergei
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Ministry cultures of area
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Leninsky rayon