The Saratov athletes carried out bicycle race to support "Hour of Earth"

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In Saratov were started by the actions dated for the stock "Hour of Earth". Opening of a bicycle season became the first of them. Today, on March 19, the Saratov cyclists started from from a monument to Gagarin, passed on Kosmonavtov Embankment, and then went to a monument to Chernyshevsky before Lipki park. Among participants the public man Mikhail Volkov was noticed.

Organizers of an action the government of the Saratov region, a city administration, Rosprirodnadzor management, "Young guard" and the companies sponsors acted, the chief of the department of Rosprirodnadzor of the region Andrey Andryushchenko told journalists. According to him, about 60 people participated in an action. In the evening continuation of the stock "Hour of Earth" is expected." From 20.30 till 21.30 will disconnect illumination on buildings of the government, Gazprom, Orgsintez, on the embankment. I know that there is an arrangement with not indifferent inhabitants of nearby houses on the embankment which too will disconnect light. Thereby we show that we join an action of Fund of the wild nature", - the official told. According to him, across Russia about 20 million people plan to participate in an action.

Andrey Andryushchenko
Last position: Head (Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision of the Saratov region)
Volkov Mikhail