The theater of Leningrad Soviet will present to the audience the strong woman – "Zhanna"

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In Lensovet Theatre the premiere of the performance "Zhanna" according to the play of one of Yaroslava Pulinovich's brightest modern young playwrights directed by Maria Romanova will take place on March 19 and 20. As declare in the theater press service, in the performance center – self made woman from generation of which youth formation of the Russian modern capitalism was the share.

The playwright Yaroslava Pulinovich tells: "Probably, all remember women from the ninetieth, with the huge checkered trunks filled by stuff? They went to Turkey, China, bags with a junk dragged on themselves, traveled about on open spaces of our Homeland - women with the higher education and without it, lonely and having many children, married and thrown. Went in hope to grow rich or at least to earn that everything was "as at all", at least, "is not worse, than at others". According to her, the play about such woman: clever, lucky, beautiful and awfully lonely, the woman who in a pursuit of career forgot, what not everything in this world is bought and on sale.

The director of performance Maria Romanova says that the main message in performance: "you strong, do not dare to sob". According to her, it is a daily mantra of the modern woman, only this way it is possible to stand in this world, only this way it is possible to achieve much. "We began to live in the world, where all on the contrary, where strong women and weak men. Such vyvernutost does not bring happiness to anybody".

the Artist of performance – Emil Kapelyush, the costume designer – Yana Glushanok. In performance are occupied: honored actress of Russia Elena Komissarenko, Sergey Kushakov, Natalya Nemshilova, actors Ivan Brovin, Veronika Favorskaya, Galina Kochetkova, Alexey Torkover.

the Premiere of performance will take place on March 19 and 20 in Lensovet Theatre.

Beginning at 19:00.

Aleksey Borisovich Torkover
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Helena Komissarenko
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Pulinovich Yaroslava
Romanova Maria
Kapelyush Emile