Housing in a new building: a picture is worth a thousand words

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Apartment purchase at the initial stage of construction allows to save to 30%. However many potential clients do not hurry to make investments in even nonexistent square meters because of impossibility to see "goods the person". What methods help to show to buyers housing under construction, experts of the company " Metrium Group " .


Now demonstration apartments are equipped with missile defense in tens of ZhK of Moscow and Moscow area. Their task – to give the chance to clients to see quality of construction, and also to estimate features of planning of housing. Gray concrete walls distort and narrow space, as a result the area of the apartment it seems less. Therefore, as a rule, in show-rooms of new buildings developers do repair, and also establish bathroom equipment, furniture and a home decoration.

"In ZhK "River Park" , under construction on the bank of the Moskva River in the Area of Nagatinsky Zaton, the show-room represents the apartment with high-quality finishing finishing and full furniture, - Larisa Shvetsova, the director general of the JSC River Park company to b>. – Kitchens Maria" and the Danish brand of design furniture of BoConcept became partners in the organization of a show-room furniture Factory ". Together with designers they did a great job to show advantages of planning solutions of apartments under construction. Holding presentations for clients, we also surely come into apartments with two types of finishing which are presented on sale. In these apartments there is no furniture that leaves space for the imagination of the buyer, but allows to see at once level of finishing and quality of applied construction materials. Thus, our future inhabitants are not waited by unpleasant surprises: to apartments with finishing it is necessary to put only furniture".
"The demonstration apartment is "a face of the project" and one of the best ways for customer acquisition, - Maria Litinetskaya, the managing partner of the Metrium Group company tells . – the Mentality of Russians is arranged to b so that before acquisition of goods it wants to be seen "alive" and "to feel". It is very difficult to make the decision on expensive purchase of future housing if it is unclear how it will look. Therefore the emotional effect from visit of the ready apartment many times over surpasses effect from viewing of usual advertizing catalogs of the developer, and promotes acceleration of registration of the transaction. Experience shows that after emergence in a housing estate of a show-room, rates of realization of housing grow by 10-15%".

Web supervision

Practically all buyers of housing under construction are disturbed by a problem of a tightening of terms of construction or prospect of full "freezing" of object. To show that works go at full speed, installation on objects of webcams allows. Thanks to it everything who bought or plans to buy housing in ZhK under construction, have opportunity to watch work, being in any place where there is an Internet.

the Most perfect systems of video surveillance work with p as follows. On object the webcam which transmits a signal to the high-speed media server is installed, online translation on a site of the builder from where is carried out. As a result users can watch video by means of a usual Flash-player on the computer, the smartphone or a tablet. Thus the speed of viewing does not decrease at a large number at the same time connected пользователей.


Помимо observance of terms of construction, for buyers of housing is not less important also what materials are used by builders. Until recently, it was possible to learn about it only from advertizing leaflets of complexes with the description of construction technologies.

"In October of this year in ZhK "River Park" started the unique project – a demonstration building site, - Larisa Shvetsova to b>. - On a site of 25 sq.m the timbering of walls, a timbering of columns, and also technical tools for molding of overlappings in monolithic houses are established. Further on a platform facing of a facade and other building materials also will be presented. By means of show building we want to show to buyers that comfort class "the River the Park" does not concede quality of construction in ZhK to big-budget projects. For example, we use the German timbering of the most modern series which is applied in the Moscow projects of a business and elite class. Everyone can see not simply the project on paper, but also independently estimate quality of materials. Besides, we will organize visit of building of the first stage where the manager shows already performed works: entrance group with pictures, a sofa and even a cooler that the child playing in the yard, always could run in an entrance to drink waters. Thanks to it, buyers can be convinced that the ready object will look also, as on render".

Shooting from height

In the West for demonstration of real estate objects to potential buyers is used many years by p technology of shootings from height of bird's flight. It is conducted by means of a kopter – the radioupravlyayushchemy aircraft with the built-in video camera. In comparison with web translation from building, shooting from height allows buyers to see volume "picture" as a whole as the kopter removes not only a housing estate, but also its vicinities. After viewing of the video it becomes clear as cases as it is far from them settle down there are roads and infrastructure as the natural environment looks and whether is not present a number of undesirable objects – such as garbage dumps or cemeteries.

"Video shot from height, helps buyers to orient quicker in a large number of offers, - Maria Litinetskaya notes . – Thoroughly to study an arrangement of objects, it is not necessary to go round all buildings - to look at a short roller" enough.

In our country this technology began to be used by p only this year. Now on one of portals about real estate, it is shown about 40 videos shot by kopter over new buildings of Moscow and Moscow area.

"Now in primary market of the Moscow region recorded the record volume of the offer of apartments and apartments, - Maria Litinetskaya summarizes . – In total in the capital and area it reached 6 mln sq.m. At the same time, solvent demand falls therefore developers should use all new and new methods in fight for buyers. In an ideal it is necessary to apply all range of demonstration tools to effective sales: show-rooms to show how future apartment can look; show buildings to show quality of materials and construction; webcams that clients could watch a course of works; and also shootings by a kopter to relieve potential buyers of need to visit numerous objects in the area. Now so integrated approach is applied only by units of the companies. For example, only 2% of capital developers are ready to make investments in construction of demonstration apartments. However in process of increase of competitive fight, opportunity to see "goods the face" has to become must have for primary market of real estate".

"Readiness to show apartments in ZhK under construction shows the general attitude of the developer to the project and to the clients, - Larisa Shvetsova notes . – When buyers come into the construction car which is carrying out functions of a sales office, and the presentation is limited to advertizing catalogs, they have a number of doubts. Whether future complex how sales managers speak about it is so good? How built houses and housing in them will correspond to virtual pictures? Absolutely other effect arises when developers invite buyers to completely equipped apartments and are ready to show, from what materials and as construction is conducted. Thus raises not only loyalty of the specific buyers who have visited a platform. Show-rooms and show buildings allow to attract an additional flow of clients by means of a gossip hotline".

on March 16, 2016 12:08
Source: Metrium Group