November gas workers visited objects of the Southern Russian field

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the Delegation "Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk" visited production objects on the Southern Russian oil-gas condensate field of the Severneftegazprom company. Trip organized for an exchange of experience and innovative solutions, and also for development of information and technical cooperation of the companies.

November gas workers visited production objects of a field, the Turonian experimental wells No. 174 and No. 184, stations of cleaning of household drains and water treatment. They studied system of automation and telemechanization of objects of installation of complex preparation of gas and booster compressor station, examined capacities, the main stages and technological processes. Participants of delegation learned how will organize training of the personnel of Severneftegazprom on a training complex. the Production manager on production and preparation for transport of gas, gas condensate and oil "Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk" Victor Kovalyov told br: "After visit of objects of the Southern Russian oil-gas condensate field we noted high level of conducting production and labor protection, equipment and a complete set of objects modern means of communication and the advanced equipment. Impressed the living conditions created for the personnel in a rotational housing estate. Every day stay finished sports competitions between teams of the companies". Summing up the action results, the deputy director general - the chief engineer of JSC Severneftegazprom Andrey Kasyanenko noted: "For an exchange of experience this meeting was fruitful, effective and useful to both parties. Such visits show readiness of employees of the companies of Gazprom to share the professional knowledge and achievements". He hopes for continuation of effective interaction, - is reported on portal.