Culture news. Harry Eprikyan and Olesya Kravchenko will act in Conservatory within an organ festival

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OREANDA-NOVOSTI . On March 16, 2016, on Wednesday at 19.00 in the Small Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky the concert within the XVI Moscow International organ фестиваля.

Исполнители will take place:
- Olesya KRAVCHENKO (body);
- Harry EPRIKYAN (body);
- Chamber chorus of "Marthe Chord". The conductor - Tatyana DMITRIYEVA;
- the Chamber orchestra "Antonio-Orchestra". The conductor - Anton PAISOV.

In the program:
And. GEDIKE - the Prelude and the fugue to a minor soch. 34 No. 1 M. L. STAROKADOMSKY - the Concert for body and an orchestra

the Moscow international organ festival - the inexhaustible well for experienced music fans - is rich with br in novelties, premieres and musical rarities. So, on March 16 in the Small Hall the unique concert which program is based only on organ works of the Russian composers will take place: Grechaninov, Kalinnikov, Kushnaryov, Gedike's music will sound. Performers - winners of the international competitions, organists Olesya Kravchenko and Harry Eprikyan, Chamber chorus of "Marthe Chord" under control of Tatyana Dmitriyeva, the Chamber orchestra "Antonio-Orchestra" under control of Anton Paisov.

Especially should note execution of an organ concert of Starokadomsky: till today it was executed only once, on March 19, 1935 in the Big hall of the Moscow conservatory by a philharmonic orchestra under the leadership of Eugen Senkar, the party of body was played by the author. The concert was not published and remained in the form of the partiturny autograph and clavier sketches; its new execution later became more than 80 years possible thanks to the International organ festival and its head, professor N. N. Gureeva (the musical material is prepared by A. Paisov).

Harry Eprikyan (body, a piano, a harpsichord)

Was born br on March 12, 1983 in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia).
Began the music education at the age of 7 years in 1990 in No. 6 DMSh (a class of a piano of the teacher V. L. Klyashtorny).

In 1994 moved to Moscow and continued the training in music in No. 3 DMSh of N. Ya. Myaskovsky (nowadays of F. Chopin) on a piano class at the teacher G. V. Esman.
In 2002 with honors graduated from musical school at the Moscow state conservatory of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky (a class of body of G. V. Semyonova, a class of a piano of N. G. Suslova) and arrived on piano faculty of the Moscow state conservatory of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky in classes of professors I.V. Osipova (piano) and N. N. Gureevoy-Vedernikova (body). From 2007 to 2010 - the graduate student of the Moscow conservatory in body (a class of professor N. N. Gureevoy-Vedernikova). Ended postgraduate study with honors.

the Winner of many international piano competitions, among which: The international competition of pianists in Gargano (Italy, 2004, the II award); International competition "Classical Heritage" (Moscow, 2005, II award); is the owner of a special prize for the best performance of the sonata D. Scarlatti (England, London, 2005).

Harry Eprikyan - the constant participant of various Russian and international festivals, both with solo programs, and in ensembles. Student of I and the II Moscow international organ festivals (2001, 2002). The student of a festival of organ improvisation in Ingolstadt, Germany (2002).

Olesya Kravchenko (body)

"Olesya Kravchenko - the taken place musician who has found the manner of game, combining energy of giving with the mature and professional relation to style and contents of executed compositions". "It the thin chuvstvovaniye and understanding of performing styles of different eras is inherent in br. Music of the XVII-XVIII centuries in an eyoispolneniye sounds in a baroque way is sustained, with exact observance of a rhythm and a filigree vyigrannost of jewelry".
Acts in leading organ halls of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Belgorod, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Bryansk, Saratov, etc.) Germany (Lubeck), France (Havre). In 2013, 2015 Olesya Kravchenko's tours went off with a bang in California, the USA (San Francisco, Santa Barbara, San Luís Obispo, Lampok).

the Constant participant of the festivals "Moscow Fall", "Soul of Japan", "Music on Water", "Music in Exile" (2009), the Moscow international organ festival, "Organ evenings in Kuskovo", the International bakhovsky festival "From Christmas till Christmas", a cycle of concerts "Beauty which supports my life" (vocal and instrumental music of the XVI-XVIII centuries) at the Moscow musical theater of name K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, etc.

In various years took part in master classes of such organists as Jean Guillu (France), Johan Trummer (Austria), Günter Rost (Austria), Lyudger Loman (Germany), Arvidgast (Germany), H. Romayer (Germany), Bernhardt Haas (Germany), etc.
Cooperates with such conductors as A. Paisov, V. Bulakhov, L. Kontorovich, I. Dronov, N. Hondzinsky, A. Hurgin, etc.
the Discography of the actress is presented to br by two albums: "I.S. Bach. Music for a flute and body. Part I" (2012) / Olesya Kravchenko (body), Anton Paisov (flute), musical publishing house "ART service"; "I.S. Bach. Music for a flute and body. Part II" (2015) Olesya Kravchenko (body), Anton Paisov (flute), musical publishing house "ART service".

Since 2012 are conducted by a body class at Children's music school of a name of I.O. Dunayevsky.
Scholar of Classical Heritage and New Names funds (1996 - 2000).
Student of the International competition of young performers (Poland, 1999), VIII Moscow international organ festival (Moscow, 2008). Winner of the International competition of organists "St. Petersburg-Gatchina" (2004); International Bakhovsky festival "From Christmas till Christmas" (2009) International festivals of arts "Road to Christmas" (2011), II International festival of arts "Arkhangelsk. Mystery" (2012).

Anton Paisov (the flutist, the conductor)

Was born br in Moscow in a family of hereditary musicians (the father - the musicologist A.Yu. Paisov, mother - the composer T.A. Chudova).

In 2001 graduated from the Central music school at MGK of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky.
In 1993 - 1998. was the soloist of the World children's symphonic orchestra under control of L. Nikolaev.

In 2006 graduated from the Moscow state conservatory of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky in "flute" (a class of professor Yu.N. Dolzhikov), and in 2014 - in "opera and symphonic conducting" (a class of professor V.A. Ponkin).

Is the author of a number of tool, piano and other compositions. Carried out a cycle of author's concerts in Moscow.

In 2002 - 2006 - the actor of ensemble of flutes "Sirinks (the founder and the art director Svyatoslav Golubenko).

Since 2005 the actor of the State Symphonic orchestra of Moscow "The Russian philharmonic hall".

In a season 2013-2014 - the conductor Orkestra of Orpheus radio station.
Since 2014. - assistant to the conductor of the Symphonic orchestra of Moscow "The Russian philharmonic hall".
In 2014 took part in statement of the opera "Hovanshchina" of M. Mussorgsky at Royal theater of the Flemish opera in Antwerp and Ghent (Belgium).
In 2015 were based by a chamber orchestra "Antonio-orchestra". The orchestra with success acted in the Lutheran cathedral of St. Pyotr and Pavel in Moscow, Estate reserve Tsaritsyno.

Constant participant of the festivals "Moscow Fall", "Soul of Japan", "Music on Water", Moscow international organ festival, etc. Participated in a festival of the Russian music of Safonov (Kislovodsk, 2003). Conducts vigorous concert activity in various cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Smolensk, Ufa, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.) .

the Winner of the International competition of children composers in Grodno (Belarus 1993, the I award); The III All-Russian open competition festival of chamber Syzran-2003 ensembles (Russia, the Special prize for bright interpretation of the Russian music); The X International competition of performers on wind and percussion instruments (Tolyatti, Russia 2006, the II award).

the Chamber orchestra "Antonio-orchestra" developed in 2015. His founder, the art director and the chief conductor - the hereditary musician, the flutist and the composer Anton Paisov. Traditions of conducting in Chudovykh-Paisov' family are put in the XIX century.
Anton Paisov collected br under the name of talented young musicians of graduates and students of the Moscow state conservatory of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky. The repertoire of an orchestra is extensive, its considerable part is made by author's arrangements of the conductor.

the Debut of an orchestra took place at the beginning of 2015 and was marked by joint performance with the world famous flutist Trevor Vayem (Great Britain).
the Orchestra cooperates with organists Evgenia Lisitsyna and Olesya Kravchenko, violinists Grafoy Murzhoy and Elena Denisova (Austria), the guitarist Yury Nugmanov, the oboist Ivan Paisov, etc.

Galina Semyonova
Last position: Teacher, manager of the Subject and cyclic commission of body and harpsichord (GBUDO OF THE MOSCOW CITY "CHILDREN'S ART SCHOOL NAMED AFTER I. F. STRAVINSKOGO")
Dmitrieva Tatyana
Paisov Anton
Grechaninov A.
Children's music school