In Petersburg handed over a youth theatrical award "Break"

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Performance Andria Zholdaka ZHOLDAK DREAMS: thieves of feelings © the Photo of the press service of Big Drama Theatre

In Petersburg took place delivery of a youth theatrical award "Break". Rewarding took place on the second scene of Big Drama Theatre in Kamennoostrovsky theater.

As were told to "Rosbalt's" correspondent by the PR manager Yana Hafisova, in the nomination "the best director" the award was got by Evgenia Safonova for performance "Brothers" statement (Shelter of the Comedian theater). In the nomination "the best actress" — Anna Shchetinina (for Elena Andreevna Serebryakova's roles in youth, Marya Vasilyevna Voynitskaya and Olga Petrovna Telegina in performance "the Uncle Vanya).

In the nomination "the best actor" Andrey Arshinnikov (Pantalone's role won against Zholdak Dreams performance ": Thieves of feelings" (Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, director Andry Zholdak).

In the nomination "the best supporting role" — Sergey Volkov (Smerdyakov's role in the performance "Brothers" (Shelter of the Comedian theater, the director Evgenia Safonova). "The best artist" — Galina Solodovnikova (creation of scenography and suits to the performance "Earth" (Aleksandrinsky theater, the director Maxim Didenko).

In the nomination "the best manager" the victory was won by Ekaterina Arsenyeva and Pavel Smirnov (for development of a production center "Kontart", the organization of tours of the performance "Passenger", creation of the performances "Notes of the Madman", "Barrier", "Gilgamesh. About everything learned", "Dao").

Spetspriz for lyrical to the clown were received by Ksenia Morozova. Special prize with formulation «Remember this name" Sergey Larionov received.

Andrey Arshinnikov
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Zholdak Andry
Khafisova Ian
Safonova Eugenia