Ilnur Zakarin from "Katyusha" won a race "Paris — Nice" stage

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the Russian racer of the Katyusha team Ilnur Zakarin won a victory at a royal mountain stage of a multi-day race "Paris-Nice" which D'Utel (the 1st category) finished at lifting top to La Madonna.

In power sprint uphill Zakarin bypassed three favourites of race – British Gerant Thomas from Sky, Spaniard Alberto Contador from Tinkoff and Australian Richie Port from BMC. For Ilnur Zakarin this success became the third victory in races World Tura after triumph in the overall ranking "Tura Romandiya" and at the stage "Dzhiro D' Italy" in last season.

"I am very happy to that won. I prepared for this race on training collecting at height, and I managed to gather a good form. On this race I wanted to be overcome for good result in the overall ranking, it was my purpose. Today, I knew that will be difficult, but throughout all stage I perfectly felt. The team perfectly fulfilled, I felt support at every moment of race. Especially strongly I was helped by Pavel Kochetkov, and also Michael Moerkoew and Simon Spilak with the final. I knew that there will be two most difficult moments on final lifting – for 6 km and for 500 meters. Therefore, I tried to pass these two pieces most well, thus keeping forces on the last some honeycombs of meters. In the final I gave all the best for 100%, and I managed to win. Tomorrow there will be one more difficult day. While I on the third place in the overall ranking, and I would like to keep a place on a podium. We will try to make everything that will be in our forces" — Ilnur Zakarin told.

the Sixth stage started in Nice, and D'Utel finished at top of the first category to La Madonna. On final lifting the Sky team sharply excited speed, having carried out the first selection in group of leaders. After that, Rafaê Mike from Tinkoff which reduced group of favourites even more came forward. After a series of the subsequent attacks ahead remained four – Kontador, Port, Thomas and Ilnur Zakarin. Approximately for 1 km to Richie's finish the Port advanced to the attack, but Zakarin managed to answer it. Entering final turn, the sprint there began Gerant Thomas, but the racer of the Katyusha team managed to support this rhythm then Zakarin began the acceleration which has brought to it a victory at a stage.

"We knew that Kontador, Port and Thomas will attack at this stage, and our plan was to follow these racers and to look that will turn out in the final. Ilnur carried out magnificent race – he made everything that had to make to achieve the maximum result. I am very glad for it, and for all team. Children carried out excellent work. Tomorrow we will try to make everything to keep a prize-winning place — the sports director Dmitry Konyshev added.

the Leader of general classification "Paris-Nice" became Gerant Thomas. Kontador loses to it 15 seconds, taking the second place. Ilnur Zakarin rose by the 3rd line, conceding to the leader of 20 seconds. On Sunday will pass the final stage of the French multi-day race – 134 km with start and the finish in Nice. Racers are expected by a distance with 6 liftings.