In Japan it is entrusted to police to see off school students because of the yakuza

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In two Japanese cities the police started accompanying children in school because of collisions of groups of Japanese criminal syndicate the yakuza "Yamaguti-gumi" and "Coba Yamaguti-gumi".

Under protection of police and teachers pupils of one of schools of the city of Mito where there is a headquarters to "Coba Yamaguti-gumi" on which building on Sunday traces from five bullets were found came to occupations, and on Saturday the truck of competing Yamaguti-gumi group crashed into the car standing near headquarters. The school is in 50 meters from a scene. After lessons children it is centrally left school and as under supervision of teachers and polices will go home, transfers RIA Novosti news agency with reference to NHK.

The same measures were taken in the city of Takaoka in prefecture Toyama where on Friday there was a fight between members of two conflicting groups.

On Sunday the police of Japan arrested four members of Yamaguti-gumi group and one of heads of group to "Coba Yamaguti-gumi" of criminal syndicate the yakuza after a rough showdown in the central region of the city of Kobe.

"Yamaguti-gumi's" four members are suspected that they in the morning on Saturday surrounded the car of one of heads of the group which have separated from "Yamaguti-gumi" to "Coba Yamaguti-gumi" with Hadzime Kitamoto and put damages by wrenches and other subjects.

According to police, Kitamoto tracked down the car in which members of Yamaguti-gumi group went, in response to what they left the car and crushed its car. In revenge for it Kitamoto purposely rammed their car and disappeared. He as was arrested for it.

To "Coba Yamaguti-gumi" it was created as a result of split in August in the largest in Japan Yamaguti-gumi group which united to 23 thousand people, that is about 43% of all members the yakuza. Then "Yamaguti-gumi" left 3 thousand people and formed new group to "Coba Yamaguti-gumi", now the number of group exceeds 6 thousand people, she acts in 36 of 47 Japanese prefectures.

Everything for last year "Yamaguti-gumi" lost 9,3 thousand members and now totals 14 thousand 100 people.