More than 550 thousand people suffered from floods in DRK

@IA Sin'hua
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Kinshasa, 3 March/Xinhua / - As declared the day before in UN Management on coordination of humanitarian affairs/UKGV/, more than 550 thousand people suffered from floods in the Democratic Republic of Congo since October, 2015.

These data were given by p in a weekly press conference of the UN in DRK capital to Kinshasa.


of UKGV claims that at least 11 of 26 provinces of the country suffered from elements. The greatest damage is caused to Chopo's province where nearly 400 thousand people were compelled to leave the houses.

"In the past weekend in the province Tanganyika heavy rains caused a descent of the landslides which have destroyed roads. Carrying out humanitarian actions was suspended, more than 64 thousand people still need humanitarian assistance", - the official representative of UKGV in DRK Sylvester Mudingayi declared.

According to data of UKGV, a flood were destroyed by nearly 65 thousand houses and about 5 thousand hectares of the farmland.

"The Congolese authorities with support of the humanitarian organizations partially could satisfy with p needs of victims, in particular, having provided financial, medical and food aid", - specified S. Mudingayi.

However, according to him, many humanitarian needs are satisfied with p not in full. People still are in great need in food, economic accessories, blankets and water.