To venture fund of Promsvyazbank and "SUPPORT of RUSSIA" 3 years

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"SUPPORT of RUSSIA" and Promsvyazbank organized Venture fund for support and development of youth business in common three years ago.

For working hours of fund financed 23 business projects of young businessmen from different regions of Russia for total amount more than 100 million rubles, from them already three projects successfully realized business plans and returned investments to fund in full. Also the fund renders to businessmen mentor, consulting and expert support.

"The first two years for fund were research. We developed optimum options of support, being guided by real requirements of business. The third year became prospecting and consulting. Together with representatives of MSB we looked for optimum solutions of response to crisis calls.

B 2016 the Venture fund of Promsvyazbank will continue to invest p in projects of young businessmen on former conditions and to carry out expert and consulting support. This year we will give preference to production projects", - Vladimir Shatalov, the vice-chairman of board, the head of the "Medium and Small Business" block of Promsvyazbank speaks.

B 2015 the fund concluded partner agreements with the Moscow club of young businessmen and Association of young businessmen of Russia in Moscow, a number of agreements in regions also was signed. Together with partners the Venture fund of Promsvyazbank and "the SUPPORT of RUSSIA" held more than 300 business and educational events for young businessmen in various regions of Russia.

"From the very beginning us were moved by desire to assist development of youth business in the country. In what the fund is engaged, - not simply project financing, it, in any sense, education of enterprise spirit, enterprise activity at young generation. On actions of fund of young businessmen learn to avoid the most different mistakes, and also effectively to realize the ideas and projects in practice. We expect that the fund will expand the activity, stimulating youth to come to business", - Alexander Kalinin, the president of "the SUPPORT of RUSSIA" makes comments.

can be Learned in more detail about fund according to the reference
