Russia took the 65th place in a rating of the most unstable countries

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the Country in this list adjoins to Lesotho, Algeria and India

Tabylda Kadyrbekov's Photo / RIA Novosti news agency

Russia took the 65th place in a rating of the most unstable countries. The country in this list adjoins to Lesotho, Algeria and India, is reported in the Fund for Peace non-profit organization report.

Despite a situation of the general instability, researchers noted high level of safety in Russia. From possible 10 points this index of analytics estimated at more than 9 points (9,1).
the First in the list of the countries menacing to world stability. Further Somalia and the Central African Republic follow. Finland, Sweden and Norway appeared the stablest.

among other factors researchers considered legitimacy of the state, safety, economic development and number of the refugees who have left the country.