20 best places for a safari

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- an adventure which tourists remember all life. In spite of the fact that the safari traditionally associates with Africa, this type of rest is widespread and on other continents. The site Touristlink published a selection of 20 best places for a safari of the come year. Masai-Mar's reserve is especially popular among the tourists, wishing to visit East Africa, and July – the best time for supervision over animals (thousands antelopes of a gnu cross Mar's teeming with crocodiles) the river. In South Africa the oldest is located in the Republic of South Africa Kruger's national park where tourists can take pleasure in richness of fauna and see the whole 14 ecozones. That who prefers to investigate new places, little-known to a wide range of tourists, it is worth thinking of travel to Hvange's national park in Zimbabwe or the river Okavanga delta in to Botswana , or will go in India to admire graceful tigers in Bandkhavgarkh or Corbett.

1. Masai-Mara, Kenya

Masai-Mara (Maasai Mara National Reserve) - the national reserve is located in the southwest Kenya , to the West from the country capital - Nairobi. Every year there come thousands tourists to take pleasure in richness of the wild nature of park. The reserve is famous for a huge number of predators (lions, cheetahs), besides, annually 1,5 million antelopes of a gnu cross Mar's teeming with crocodiles the river, during migration.

2. Kafue, Zambia

the National park of Kafue (Kafue National Park) is located in the basin of the river of the same name in Zambia . It is one of the biggest parks of the world, its area makes 22400 square kilometers. Kafue can brag of a variety of fauna. The huge number of hippopotamuses and huge crocodiles is found in the local rivers. Great number of birds, both big, and small, it is possible to meet on park open spaces. Fortunately, times of poaching passed, and opportunity to admire the elephants who have come to a watering place even more often is represented to tourists. Sometimes they even dare to come nearer to camps and rest houses.

3. Moremi-Geym, Botswana

of Moremi-Geym (Moremi Game Reserve) – the reserve in Botswana, located on east coast of the delta of the river Okavango. Though Moremi-Geym, however, to it is what to offer not too big reserve even to the most experienced traveler. Here about 500 bird species (from the natatorial woods to inhabitants) live and huge number of other representatives of fauna - buffalo s, giraffes, lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, chernopyaty antelopes and antelopes treat.

4. Serengeti, Tanzania

Serengeti National Park (Serengeti National Park) – a huge reserved zone in the north Tanzania . The park proceeds in the next Kenya where it is known as Masai-Mara. The reserve – one of the most significant parks of the region of Serengeti in East Africa. Thanks to the unique flora and fauna, and also magnificent landscapes, this reserve - one of the most popular tourist directions of Africa. The majority of travelers direct here to go to a fascinating safari.

5. Chobe, Botswana

Chobe's (The Chobe National Park) National park is located b in the northwest of Botswana and borders on Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia . The reserve is known for the specific variety of an animal and flora. Every year the park is visited by thousands tourists, after all exactly the greatest part of all wild animals of the African continent here is concentrated. Moreover the reserve can brag of the biggest population of elephants in Africa (the speech not only about quantity, but also about the size of animals).

6. Jim Corbett, India

National park Jim Corbett (Jim Corbett National Park) is located b in the district Naynital (Nainital) of staff Uttarakhand (Uttarakhand), near the city of Ramnagar in the north of India. He received the name in honor of the English naturalist and the writer Jim Corbett who was speaking out in defense of the wild nature of India. The park is open for visits from the middle of September to the middle of June. Having appeared in the reserve, tourists for certain will remember that jungle from Kipling's book. Besides, they will be able to observe birds, mammals, reptiles and other inhabitants of park, and also to take their pictures. Corbett – one of the most favourite directions for tourists, admirers of the wild nature and adventurers here already is a lot of years.

7. Madidi, Bolivia

Madidi's (Madidi National Park) National park is located in the northwest of department La Paz in Bolivia . It is one of the largest and biologically saturated reserves on a planet. About one thousand bird species that makes 11% of total number of types feathery in the world lives in park. The brightest and unusual representatives of fauna live in Madidi – jaguars,-point bears, jubate wolves, vicunas, huge otters, the Andean condors, small soldier's macaws and many others. Quite recently in Madidi found a new species of monkeys, and the reserve – their only habitat.

8. Ngorongoro, Tanzania

the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Ngorongoro Conservation Area) is located b in northwest part of Tanzania. There is the crater which has arisen as a caldera as a result of a heavy-duty volcanic eruption. Abrupt slopes of a crater became the house for a huge number of representatives of fauna. Here the highest density of lions therefore the chance to see them during a safari is very high is observed. Except predators, Ngorongoro is occupied by herds of antelopes, buffalo s and zebras.

9. Kruger's national park, the Republic of South Africa

Kruger's (The Kruger National Park) National park is located b in the northeast of South Africa and Zimbabwe in the North and borders on the river Limpopo in the south with Mozambique in the east. The total area of park makes 20 thousand square kilometers, the reserve is divided into 14 ecozones, and the fauna of each of them is unique. The reserve where the huge number of tourists directs every year, is recognized as the best among parks of South Africa.

10. The river Okavango, Botswana delta

the Delta of the river Okavango (The Okavango Delta) is in the territory of Botswana. It both constant, and a temporary habitat of a huge number of representatives of flora and fauna, and today Okavango – the popular tourist direction. Here it is possible to meet savanna elephants, the African buffalo s, hippopotamuses, antelopes treat, heat, sitatungu, blue gnus, giraffes, Nile crocodiles, lions, cheetahs, leopards, brown and spotty hyenas, gazelles, big Koudou, black antelopes, black and white rhinoceroses, savanna zebras, the African borodavochnik and bear baboons.

11. Hvange, Zimbabwe

Hvange's (Hwange National Park) National park – the biggest reserve in Zimbabwe, being in the West, between Bulawayo (Bulawayo) and the well-known Victoria Falls. In park lives 105 species of mammals, including 19 large herbivorous individuals and eight carnivorous. All especially protected animals of Zimbabwe are in Hvange, and exactly here it is possible to meet their such rare species, as sernobyk and a brown hyena. Besides, in Hvange the largest population of wild dogs remained.

12. The southern Luangva, Zambia

National park the Southern Luangva (South Luangwa National Park) is in the east of Zambia. Some consider park as one of the world's largest, and this one of the main venues of a safari in Zambia. The reserve is located in a river valley Luangva where the most part of local fauna is concentrated. Thanks to the inaccessibility, the Southern Luangva keeps richness of the wild nature and accepts only limited number of visitors. Especially attracts park with the night safaris.

13. Bandkhavgarkh, India

National park Bandkhavgarkh (Bandhavgarh National Park) is located b in staff Madkhya-Pradesh (Madhya Pradesh) in India. This best place of supervision over Asian tigers. Though Bandkhavgarkh rather small park, in recent years this former natural wildlife area became one of the most significant in India. The main reason for such popularity – the high density of tigers who walk in the mixed woods in search of the victim.

14. Yala, Sri Lanka

Yal's (Yala National Park)

– the most visited park Sri Lanka and the reserve second for the area in the country. It consists of five parts, two of them are open for visit and also are adjacent reserved zones. The park is located in the southeast of the country. The reserve is famous for a variety of fauna, under special protection there are Ceylon elephants and waterfowl.

15. Amber-Mauntin, Madagascar

Amber-Mauntin (Amber Mountain National Park) National park is in the north Madagascar , in the region Diana (Diana). The reserve located in one thousand kilometers to the North from the capital, the city Antananarivo (Antananarivo), is well-known for the falls and volcanic lakes. Strikes a place with the biological diversity – the park is occupied by 75 bird species, 25 species of mammals, 59 species of reptiles.

16. Amboseli, Kenya

Amboseli's (Amboseli National Park) National park is in Rift-Velli's (Rift Valley) province in southeast part of Kenya. Local population – a nomadic tribe of Masai, however many inhabitants of the African continent also lodge here. Them attract successfully developing economy (generally at the expense of tourists) and agriculture. Here oases of bogs contrast with droughty deserts that gives unknown beauty and uniqueness to these places. 400 bird species live in park, natatorial, pelicans, halcyons, cranes, molotoglavov and 47 species of predators.

17. Etosha, Namibia

Etosh's (Etosha National Park)

– the second-large reserve of Namibia of 20 thousand square kilometers. The park surrounds Etosh's saline lake which attracts a great number of animals especially in winter droughty months, after all it is the only source of water in the desert. Here tourists can observe the world of the wild nature – rhinoceroses, lions, zebras, giraffes, sernobykami, antelopes, elephants and jackals.

18. Kankh, India

Kankh's (Kanha National Park) National park of staff Madkhya-Pradesh one of the most beautiful and developed parks of India. It is popular not only among tourists, but also photographers-naturalists. Tourists are eager to see here a surprising tiger and to admire a deer of Barasinga (a deer with 12 horns, living in the marshland), known also as "Treasure of Kankhi". Thanks to the reserve it was succeeded to keep many animal species, being under the threat of disappearance.

19. Tarangire, Tanzania

National park of Tanzania of Tarangire (Tarangire National Park) of 2850 square kilometers is located b to the southwest from Manyar's lake. The park is known for a huge number of elephants, baobabs and the lions climbing trees. Guests of the reserve for certain will manage to see and other locals, such as zebras and antelopes of a gnu, besides less familiar animals. Here too water goats, giraffes and baboons anubis are found.

20. To Udavalava, Sri Lanka

the National park to Udavalava (Udawalawe National Park) is located b on border of provinces Sabaragamuva (Sabaragamuwa) and Uva (Uva) on the island Sri Lanka. From the capital - Colombo - park divides 165 kilometers. To Udavalava – a habitat of waterfowl and elephants. This popular tourist direction, and the third reserve on attendance in the country. Thanks to proximity of a reservoir to Udavalava, here lodge a great number of elephants, their number in the reserve makes already 250 individuals that is especially attractive for the tourists, wishing to observe animals on open space in a native habitat.