The rival of "Krasnodar" in LE "Sparta" won "Mladu Boleslav" the championship of the Czech Republic

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© RIA Novosti news agency. Vladimir Pesnya

of MOSCOW, 21 Feb - R-sports. the Rival of "Krasnodar" in a playoffs of League of Europe the Prague "Sparta" won "Mladu Boleslav" a soccer match of the championship of the Czech Republic.

the Meeting which has taken place in Sunday in Prague, came to the end with the score 2:0 in favor of "Sparta". Goals scored Josef Schural (on the 9th minute) and Costa Njamoynesu (22). Guests from 81st minute played in minority after Milan Barosh's removal.

"Sparta" with 41 points after 18 matches takes the second place in the championship of the Czech Republic, lagging behind on 3 points the leader of tournament "Victoria Plzen".

On Thursday "Krasnodar" in Prague lost to "Sparta" with the score 0:1 . The reciprocal meeting 1/16 finals of League of Europe will take place on February 25 in Krasnodar.