The Austrian skeleton racer is hospitalized after race on a WC

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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After team race in the bobsled and skeleton World Cup in the Austrian Igls there was an unpleasant incident. The Austrian skeleton racer Matthias Guggenberger was hospitalized soon after arrival. to

As are reported by local mass media, the athlete felt badly and fainted. It was urgently sent to hospital, at present details about its state is not reported. It is noted, however, that on Saturday because of quinsy antibiotics and a confinement to bed were prescribed it.

As for the race, it were won by team of Germany. As a part of the German national team skeleton racers Axel Jung and Tina Herrmann, bobsleity Ania Shnayderzantse / Franziska Bertels and Johannes Lokhner/Tino Paashe acted. They showed result of 3 minutes 31,47 seconds.

Russian national team in team race won "silver". As a part of our team skeleton racers Alexander Tretyakov and Elena Nikitina, and also bobsledders Aleksandra Rodionova / Yulia Shokshuyeva and Alexander Kasyanov/Maxim Mokrousov participated. They conceded to Germans of 0,65 seconds.

the Austrian national team as a part of which Guggenberger acted, closed the three. The skeleton racer participated in race in a tandem from Jeanine Floc, also in a line-up of Austria there were bobsledders Christina Hengster/Zanne Monique Dekker and Benjamin Mayer / Danut Jón Moldovan.

Yokhannes Lokhner
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Alexander Tretyakov
Main activity:Athlete
Helena Nikitina
Last position: The professional athlete on skeleton
Alexandra Rodionov
Last position: The athlete - the professional on bobsled (All-russian public organization "FBR")
Julia Shokshueva
Last position: The athlete - the professional on bobsled (All-russian public organization "FBR")