Currency ipotechnik showered "DeltaCredit" office with toads

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On Friday at "DeltaCredit" office currency ipotechnik arranged the next protest action. Having been refused from the management of banking institution to come for negotiations and to change conditions of restructuring of the currency mortgage, protesting showered the building with rubber toads bores who "decorated" all windows of the business center on Butyrsky to the Shaft, writes "RBC". the Activist of the All-Russian movement of currency borrowers Snezhana Yaroshchuk told p to

why ipotechnik arranged again protest action. According to her, in the afternoon on February 12 the press service of "DeltaCredit" reported about new "loyal" conditions of a restukturization of a currency mortgage according to which borrowers can count on write-off of 20% of a debt and reduction of a credit rate to 10% per annum. Yaroshchuk called these offers absolutely "impractical" as at all ipotechnik the debt grew by 200% therefore write-off of 20% will not be reflected in any way in the sum of monthly payments and total amount of the formed debt.

Activists consider that thus "DeltaCredit" management simply sneers at borrowers, imitating rough activity within the requirement of the Central Bank. Against it they gathered at bank office on Butyrsky to the Shaft and demanded the chairman of the board of bank Michel Colbert to leave to them and to listen to their requirements. But the bank was protected from activists of an action with metal obstacles and adjusted to an entrance a snow-removing tractor for reflection of attack of ipotechnik.


Michelle Bernar Kolber
Main activity:Official
Yaroshchuk Snejana
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance