IG threats to Natsfront: thanks to the government

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Fighters of the Islamic state in the city of Fallujah, Iraq © AP Photo, Militant website via AP, File <= "article-header __ announce"> the Islamic state reminds p class of the Parisian acts of terrorism and promises to strike again blow to France and its capital When Manuel Valls and other politicians, whose irresponsibility it would be possible to call criminal (among them Jean-Christophe Lagarde and Jean-Christophe Cambadeli were especially marked out), dared to declare that "to vote for the National front — to vote for IG" for the low pre-election reasons, they overstepped the limits admissible in great democracy. They threatened supporters and activists of party which was supported by nearly 7 million voters on regional elections in December, 2015. Islamoved Romain Caille (I noted his qualities, having mentioned thus a number of information contradictions) conferred on Valls direct responsibility for IG threats to the National front, having written to Twitter: "The slogan "vote for the National front — to vote for IG" could anger Islamists and to become the reason of threats in the IG magazine".

All of us — successors of long memory of legends, feelings and traditions. First of all we believe that we can hear, see, smell, touch and try: our earth. Today it is very important to us to stand together, show unity in the face of the enemy. First of all, it concerns radicals who simply seek to destroy France. Further, it is the power which attempts upon an essence of France, allowing to operate it from the outside to the European Union and transatlantic partnership, promotes its internal crash by mass immigration, Islamization and a dekulturization.

Yesterday the general Pikmal, the former commander of the Foreign legion and the faithful attendant of France, detained for presence on the forbidden demonstration. At the same time extremists from No Borders group who painted "E … t France" on a monument to General de Gaulle, still on freedom. It is time for government to show respect for patriots who swore to protect the country. It is time to open eyes and to see, what threat hung over France!

Жан-Кристоф Лагард
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Manoel Carlos Vals Galfetti
Last position: Adviser (City council Barcelona)
Christophe Zhan
Kaye Romain