"Dynamo" interrupted a losing series in the championship

@Kursk 46
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of the Basketball player of Kursk "Dynamo" after two in a row defeats in the championship of Russia from "Sparta" and "Hope" on February 6 won a long-awaited victory, having crushed on departure Moscow "MBA".

For "Dynamo" battling on two fronts - in the championship of Russia and Euroleague, January was saddened by several defeats. Two of them fell on a domestic premier league. So, on January 24 residents of Kursk lost in Visible "To Sparta and To" (78:90), and the 31st largely conceded to "Hope" in Orenburg (65:86). Could interrupt the negative Dynamo series only on January 6 in guest game from Moscow "MBA".

the Meeting took place p from dictation of team from nightingale edge. De facto the winner of a match became clear following the results of a starting quarter in which residents of Kursk won a victory with the score 21:9. Having got comfortable advantage in 12 points, "Dynamo" continued to increase a separation which by the end of the second period grew to 22 points - 44:22.

After a big break Kursk basketball players exchanged a level in 30 points of advantage. Following the results of the third period the separation of team of Gundars Vetra grew to 37 points - 68:31. In the last quarter "Dynamo" to a platform had doublers, than hostesses of a parquet used. They reduced considerable part of lag, but defeat all the same did not avoid - 80:58 in favor of "Dynamo".

as a part of Kursk team the greatest number of points - 27 - were gathered by the Frenchwoman Enden Miyem. Frida Eldebrink playing by Sweden national team wrote down in the asset of 15 points of productivity. Tatyana Vidmer issued a double double - 14 points and 11 selections. Also the level in 10 gathered points was subdued by the Latvian to Aneta Ekabsona (11).

the Victory of "Dynamo" did not change an alignment of forces in the top part of standings of a premier league. Residents of Kursk, having gathered 28 points, share the third or fourth places with "Sparta and To". The "hope" which has gathered 33 points, goes the second. Ekaterinburg UMMC, having game in a stock, with 32 points holds the first place. The following match of the resident of Kursk will play in native walls on February 13. To Kursk will welcome the Novosibirsk "Dynamo" going on tenth месте.

Frida Eldebrink
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Татьяна Викторовна Видмер
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (KGOO "BQ "Dinamo")
Vetra Gundars
Yekabsone Aneta