Russia - in two minutes from champions in the mixed relay

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Alexey Slepov/Foto: ©

Russian national team on biathlon in structure Darya Virolaynen , Ekaterina Shumilova , Dmitry Malyshko and Alexey Slepov became the eighth in the mixed relay at the World Cup stage in Kanmore. Germans got a victory.


at the first stage stuck in the five of the best up to the second firing — to the problem rack. It managed to close five targets eight cartridges, lag from leading Dorathea Virer, Franziska Preuss and Celina Gasparin increased to 40 seconds. On a baton pass it made nearly 50 seconds, and Ekaterina Shumilova on the first lezhka for herself came running in a minute behind the best. It managed to fulfill a boundary only with use of all cartridges, the Russian was rolled away on the 11th position. Shumilov's only two places won back to a baton pass. On start of the stage of Malyshko conceded to Arndu Payffer minute and 15 seconds.

At the concerning the Russian still had the German after firing lying. It increased advantage over Tobias Arwidson, Alexander Us and Tim Burk till 30 seconds and felt comfortable on the first place. To a baton pass the superiority increased about one minute, Malyshko's using three additional cartridges lag grew also. Slepov tried to reduce so much, how many could, almost caught up with the Italian and the Norwegian, but on a rack "shot" on a penal circle.

KM. 7th stage. The mixed relay

the World Cup. Seventh stage. Kanmor (Canada)

the Mixed relay

1. Germany (Hildebrand, Proyss, Payffer, Shemp) — 1:05.38,8 (0 penal circles of %2B 4 additional boss)

2. Italy — %2B1.12,9 (1%2B10)

3. Norway — %2B 1.23,8 (0%2B7)

4. The USA — %2B1.25,5 (1%2B9) …

8. Russia (Virolaynen, Shumilova, Malyshko, Slepov) — %2B1.55,1 (1%2B13)

Dimitri Malyshko
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (LLC FEDERAL BANK "SOYUZ BIATLONISTOV RUSSIA"(SBR))
Doroteya Virer
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Darya Virolaynen
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Catherina Shumilova
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION "TSSPSKYU")