The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Tajikistan were headed by the general Nazarzoda and other motions of tadzh-security officers

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the Chief narcopolice officer of Tajikistan is appointed the ex-public prosecutor Sherkhon Salimzoda

by the Decree of the president of Tajikistan Emomalii Rahmon of February 2 the permanent agency head with 1999 on control of drugs at the president of Tajikistan militia lieutenant general Rustam Nazarzoda is removed from a post with the formulation "in connection with transition to other work".

is appointed by the New director of anti-narcotic department of Tajikistan the ex-public prosecutor of Tajikistan Sherkhon Salimzoda who since March of last year headed Federation of independent labor unions of Tajikistan, reported "AP" a source in the republic government.

Rustam Nazarzoda, the decision of the government of the country, is appointed by the head of Committee of emergency situations and civil defense at the republic government. It replaced on this post of Hayriddin Abdurakhimov who will head Head department on protection of the state secrets at the government RT which is earlier headed by the colonel general Saidamir Zukhurov who is sent to pension.

of 02/02/2016
Asia Plus