China and Vietnam will hold summit

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Hou's which is the head of Communist Party of China and the Chinese President

, arrived by the invitation of the secretary general of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam (KPV) Nong So Manya and the president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) Nguyen Min Chiyeta. In recent years, notes agency, in the Chinese-Vietnamese relations "considerable progress is noted: first of all it occurred thanks to frequent exchanges of visits between heads of two parties and the countries, between the parties the general understanding on many important questions" was reached.
In 2004 prime ministers of China and Vietnam exchanged br visits during which the parties "reached unity of opinions on important questions, including further acceleration of process of demarcation of overland border between China and Vietnam, stability maintenance in the South China Sea, etc. " in 2005 there was a successful exchange of visits between heads of two states. Besides, in August of this year the secretary general of the Central Committee of KPV of Nong So Man also visited China.

the Purpose of present visit of Hu Jintao, reports Xinhua, consists in "deepening of traditional friendship, strengthening of political mutual trust, expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation and joint definition of the direction of development of the Chinese-Vietnamese relations". In the comment, widespread Chinese agency, it is said that "the mutual trust between the countries becomes stronger, the questions left history, such as border between China and Vietnam, a territorial question and dr" will gradually be settled. It is known that in the past in the relations of two countries there were very difficult periods, and in 1979 business reached to short on time, but bloody armed conflict on border. Xinhua claims that process of demarcation of overland border between China and Vietnam goes successfully, demarcation works will be complete in 2008. The agreement on delimitation of sea border and the cooperation agreement in fishery between China and Vietnam are gradually realized. Mechanisms of cooperation between such key bodies of two countries as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, bodies of a public order and state security, the Ministry of Defence, etc.

China is two years in a row the largest trade partner of Vietnam, and this year are created, as expected, bilateral commodity turnover will ahead of schedule reach the planned indicator of $10 billion Besides, every year the volume of the Chinese investments into economy of Vietnam increases. Nowadays China takes the 15th place on the volume of investment into the Vietnamese economy. Also steadily exchanges in areas of culture, science, sports and others extend. Xinhua expressed confidence that visit of the Chinese President Hu Jintao to Vietnam "will be crowned with full success". Hu Jintao in SRV capital Hanoi also will participate in the 14th informal meeting held there – the summit of leaders of members of APEC and will hold bilateral negotiations with heads of a number of the countries. After visit to Vietnam Hu Jintao will visit Laos, India and Pakistan.