The daughter of the president of Tajikistan headed executive administration of the head of the republic

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the President of Tajikistan Emomalii Rahmon appointed the daughter Ozodu the head of executive administration of the head of the republic. About it it is spoken in the message on a site of the president.

Hudoyerzoda Bakhtiyer Tavar Earlier holding this position can head the Central commission on elections and republic referenda.

Ozoda Rahmon before this appointment held a post of the first Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Earlier the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev appointed the daughter to Darigu Nazarbayev the deputy prime minister of the country. Before this appointment it worked as the vice speaker of Mazhilis parliament (lower house). we Will remind p to

, the lower house of parliament of Tajikistan approved amendments to the constitution, according to which to the president Emomalii Rahmon ruling the country since 1992, the right to participate in elections unlimited number of times. Besides, the age qualification for candidates for president till 30 years that allows the son of the head of state Rustam Emomalii if necessary to take part in elections in 2020 was lowered.

Emomali Rakhmonov (Emomali Rakhmon)
Last position: President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Ozoda Emomali Rakhmon
Last position: Head (Executive device of President of Republic Tajikistan)
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dariga Nazarbaeva
Main activity:Politician
Emomali Rustam