Spanish national team on handball differs mobile protection and devotion - Voronin

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of of VROTsLAV, 27 January - R-sports, Artem Lisovsky. the Closest rival of Russian national team on handball in the European championship - the team of Spain - well plays strong in protection and differs devotion on a platform, the trainer of a Russian team Lev Voronin declared to R-Sport agency.

the Meeting of the second group stage of Euro with Spaniards on which in many respects depends, whether will get Russian national team to the Olympic qualification tournament, will take place on January 27. To carry out an objective, Russians need to win a victory and to expect that in the same day the direct competitor - the team of Sweden - will lose points in a match with Hungary.

"If to speak about Spanish national team, are imposed by game in protection. It is rather quite good in evolution, on players who defend, on devotion on a platform, - Voronin told. - We have to defend in protection, the goalkeeper has to be hooked for game, and we should realize the moments in attack. Of three components there is a victory".

One of leading players of Spanish national team - the goalkeeper "Vardara" Arpad Shterbik. Some Russian players play for Macedonian club: Timur Dibirov, Sergey Gorbok and Daniil Shishkarev. According to Voronin, Russian national team will have no advantage that handballers know a manner of game of Shterbik.

"Here two-edged sword. We know how Shterbik plays, and he well studied a manner of game of our players, therefore here a situation identical. Who will have more composure, that and will come out the winner. But Spanish national team has also other goalkeeper (Gonzalo Pérez de Vargas) who plays in "Barcelona" that speaks for itself. In general the Spanish team is collected from players of leading clubs of Europe", - he noted.

At Russian national team on preparation for a match with Spaniards was two days more. "These two days did us good. I think that children mentally departed from a match from German national team (29:30). Those players on whom the main loading lays down, were more or less restored. It is sure that in a match with Spaniards children as plowed earlier, and will plow. The only thing, is required to us good luck because in matches with Swedes and Spaniards it was not on our party", - Voronin added.
