Dmitry Zhitnikov: Spaniards have good protection, players tall, mobile

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Dmitry Zhitnikov Playing by Russian national team estimated strengths of Spanish national team which becomes the final rival of a Russian team at the main stage of the European championship in Poland.

"First of all Spanish national team is famous for strong goalkeepers. One of them (Arpad Shterbik) plays "Vardare", other (Gonzalo Pérez de Vargas) – in "Barcelona". These are goalkeepers of very high level. Spaniards have very good protection, players tall, mobile. In attack Spanish national team plays approximately as well as my Vistula club, – quotes Zhitnikov's "R-sports". we Will remind p to

, after defeat from Germany (29:30) in the previous match Russian national team lost chances of an exit in a semi-final. At present Russia takes the fourth place in group II and continues fight for hit in the Olympic qualification.

the Match Spain – Russia will pass p on January 27 in Vrotslava. The match beginning – 22:30 (Moscow time).

of Sovsport.Ru will carry out text translation a match

we Will add that Spanish national team is headed by Manuel Kadenas working with "Vistula".

Arpad Shterbik
Last position: Trainer of goalkeepers (Group of companies "Vesprem")
Dmitry Zhitnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (Garage cooperative "Pik (Seged)")
Peres Gonsalo
Kadenas Manoel