To Northwestern Federal District decided to reduce cost of utilities

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Calculations in receipts housing and communal services are not always clear to citizens. Photo: Valentin Ilyushin/RG calculations in receipts housing and communal services are not always clear to Citizens. Photo : Ilyushin Valentine / RG If to estimate the sums in the monthly bills which are made out residents, the line "utilities" still remains the item of expenditure. It enter the heat supply cold and hot water supply and water disposal, electro - and gas supply. Growth of tariffs for housing and communal services has to happen since July 1, 2016. As a whole the rise in price, according to forecasts of economists, will not exceed a rate of inflation, and these are about six percent. However in regions zhilishchnik already look for Northwestern Federal District the minimum list. The works performed concerning the bases, cellars, walls, roofs, ladders, facades, engineering systems, and also the maintenance of the rooms relating to all-house property concern to him, including their cleaning, the maintenance of the land plots and some other.

Only in case owners of housing did not make the decision on the statement of the corresponding size of a payment, the list and cost of works will be already established by local governments without wishes of citizens.

Since April 1, 2016 expenses on payment of the municipal resources provided for all-house needs (lighting and heating on staircases, water) will be transferred from category of utilities to lines of the payment order according to the maintenance of premises. In turn, costs of collecting and the export of TBO hidden today in the line "Maintenance of Premises", will be allocated in separate utility and registered by the separate column. Let's note that total amount finally will not change.

search the concessionaire


Today non-payments of the population for "communal flat" remain the most actual problem. Huge debts to the resursosnabzhayushchy organizations do not give the chance for implementation of plans for modernization. Therefore the regional authorities look for ways of decrease in cost of utilities. So, for example, support of the enterprises of the municipal sphere is given to p by

in the Nenets Autonomous Area in two directions: repair and reconstruction of municipal infrastructure, and also subsidizing of tariffs for the population. Thus, there is a double load of the budget.

according to the deputy chief of Administration office on state regulation of Prices (tariffs) Nenets autonomous area Vydrina Ludmila, the modernized production objects are transferred from district or municipal property to the economic jurisdiction of the unitary enterprises.

Vydrina Ludmila specified that according to the tax legislation Russian Federation for the commercial organizations the fixed assets created or acquired at the expense of target budgetary funds, are not subject to depreciation. But for the unitary enterprises for the fixed assets transferred to the economic jurisdiction depreciation which the regulator is obliged to include in a tariff is charged.

So, by results of the modernization of the fixed business assets carried out at the expense of budgetary funds State unitary enterprise Nenets Autonomous AREA "Naryan-Marskaya elektrostantsiya" the increase in expenses only regarding depreciation charges increased from 50 million in the 2012th to 82 million rubles in 2015. The increase in expenses makes seven percent from an operating tariff for the electric power. Now the depreciation included in a tariff is a source of financing of reconstruction of the equipment of power plant.

On heat supply service for the same period there was an increase in expenses at depreciation charges on 10,5 million rubles, or for 3,7 percent from the cost of a tariff for thermal energy. In 2016 completion of works on reconstruction of treatment facilities for the sum about 800 million rubles that will lead to growth of a tariff by 35-45 percent of service in water disposal for urban population in case of transfer them in economic maintaining the unitary enterprise is expected. For prevention of growth of tariffs for utilities reduced rates for the population are established by p

, and the half-received income of the enterprises is compensated from budget funds. So, since 2016 in a line of expenses of the budget of the Nenets Autonomous Area there were two new subsidies - on water disposal and water supply services for urban population.

- the Further increase in loading at the budget is inadmissible, and finally at adverse development of a situation can suffer both the enterprises, and the population, experts consider.

Now in the Nenets Autonomous Area consider the offered options of transfer to concession of the municipal enterprises.

- or concession agreements are when at a wheel allow to stand to businessmen, and all property remains in municipality property, - the deputy director of analytical department LLC "IK "OKEY BROKER" Aline Sergei speaks. - However it is necessary to make rules of the game even more clear for business that is especially important on long term: usually concession agreement is concluded for 15 years. It can be helped by introduction of long-term tariffs. They will be the best incentive for inflow of investments to the sphere of housing and communal services.

of Such perspective projects to Northwestern Federal District while have some ul. On the terms of there is a construction of boiler rooms on the liquefied natural gas to Pskov region. In Arkhangelsk the issue of transfer of property Municipal unitary enterprise "Water services company" in concession also is resolved. But while the private enterprise - the concessionaire is not defined, Arkhangelsk "Vodokanal" is considered the problem enterprise of Pomorze. At first there was a scandal with the allocated money from the European Reconstruction and Development fund which left not on those purposes, and on the credit closed debts the city hall. Last year on the director of the enterprise opened criminal case, and wear of water supply systems in the city became for a long time the talk of the town.

- the Problem of high cost of utilities is directly connected by p with big wear warm and water networks and electricity cables, - the consultant of the Legal Service of the Capital company Yastrebov Dimitri agrees. - It is necessary to attract non-budgetary sources for the solution of the matter, and creation and development of the market environment in the sphere of housing and communal services for this purpose is necessary. Along with it, the market economic mechanism is focused on use of loan investments, and economic appeal of projects of resource-saving both to the investor, and to the housing and communal services organizations consists available guaranteed source of repayment of the credit of the means saved as a result of reduction of costs of production.

Now for Arkhangelsk "Vodokanal" developed a road map of actions which could bring the enterprise out of crisis. But while everything rests against a question: and for whose account?

- In the sphere of housing and communal services and tariffing of services of transparency have not enough, it is not enough and control. Quality of delivered resources seldom coincides with what are stipulated in contracts. It gives the chance to producers and suppliers of the save resources at the expense of the consumer, - the Petersburg expert in housing and communal services Prosolov Alexander considers.

Open window leaves

One more way of decrease in cost of utilities experts call p introduction of power effective technologies.

- One of the actual directions of depreciation of utilities for residents of a multiroom house are works on prevention of heatlosses in the winter, - the associate professor "Marketing and logistics" tells Finance university, Financial university Arsky Alexander. - Lack of tight double-glazed windows at windows, lack of sealants on doors in an entrance, and also a dilapidation from year to year thermal isolation of external walls of the house lead to enormous thermal losses. In view of the fact that in many apartment houses counters of thermal energy are installed, all these heatlosses are paid by residents of the house in proportion to the space occupied by them.

Thus, elimination of these losses allows to reduce consumption of thermal energy and consequently, to exclude costs of its payment. One more direction of economy of heat power is regulation of giving of thermal energy directly indoors.

- Many paid attention to the regulators installed on batteries of a central heating, but not all them use for maintenance of comfortable temperature indoors, almost always, especially at offices and public institutions, inhabitants prefer to open a window leaf, instead of to twist the regulator, - he notices.

on the scale of the region can be helped energy saving by specialized programs according to which the private companies which are engaged in energy saving projects are attracted. The existing environment in this market allows to reduce prime cost of separate types of utilities due to the competition.

By the way

From this year owners of housing who yet do not keep account of the consumed electricity, hot and cold water, decided "to push". Now at calculation of a payment for utilities in case of absence in apartments of individual metering devices raising coefficients will be used: from January 1 to June 30, 2016 - 1,4, from July 1 to December 31 - 1,5, since January 1, 2017 - 1,6.

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