Experts of Fujitsu and two Japanese universities developed technology of high-speed authentication for IoT
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Specialists of the Fujitsu Laboratories company in cooperation with their colleagues from two Japanese universities managed to develop technology for devices of the Internet of prophetic (IoT) which significantly reduces costs of time of authentication in the cryptographic Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Allegedly, time managed to be reduced approximately by 80% in comparison with existing methods at the same extent of protection. Let's remind, in the TLS protocol which is widely applied in the personal computer and other devices, enciphering with an open key is used.

Time of authentication managed to reduce by 80%

of the Requirement to a computing resource limited TLS use in IoT devices as authentication took second or even more. Having reduced time due to decrease in load of the processor, developers opened TLS a way to IoT. Development already took place practical test in a control system of food of the equipment for air conditioning at Tokyo university.

Source: Fujitsu

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