Yulay Ushanov - the master of the arts of Bashkortostan (To the 70 anniversary since the birth of the prominent ballet dancer)

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UFA, 17 January, 2016. /ИА "Bashinform", Vladimir Romanov/. Yulaya Giniatovich Ushanov's Name ‑ the eminent person of culture, the outstanding dancer who has added bright pages to history of the Bashkir and domestic ballet, is well known in the republic and beyond its limits. Today to it 70 years would be executed.

He was born p on January 17, 1946 in Ufa, in a family of the known cultural figure Giniyat Gabdullovich Ushanov. Yulay since the childhood possessed musicality and feeling of a rhythm, well danced. In 1961-64 he was engaged in a ballet school at Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre. Teachers it had well-known masters of the ballet Frat Akhmetshin, Fauzi Sattarov and Halyaf Safiullin.

Then Yulay Ushanov continued education in the Perm choreographic school where studied on a class of the remarkable teacher Yuli Iosifovich Plakht ‑ the bright representative of the Leningrad classical school of the ballet. After the school termination in 1967 Yulay Giniatovich worked more than twenty years as the soloist of opera and ballet theater in Ufa. Since 1991 taught in the Bashkir choreographic school (nowadays the Bashkir choreographic college of R. Nureev).

Yulaya Ushanov's Dancing art differed the surprising plasticity made by equipment and elegance of execution. Natural virtuosity, uncommon gift of transformation helped it to transfer authentically the characteristic, internal state and mood of the hero. Thanks to big drama talent Yulay Ushanov reached deep immersion in any, even the most difficult image, transferring all nuances of characters of ballet characters.

the Actor created p stylistically exact, finished and emotionally expressive images. He always felt spirit of performance and a work plan, found full understanding with the director that was positively reflected in quality of statement. Yulay Giniatovich was the versatile personality — the tragedy, the drama, the lyrical poem, the comedy ‑ everything was subject to his big talent.

For years of work on a scene it proved to be the carrier of the best traditions of the domestic classical ballet, made an invaluable contribution to development and distribution of the Bashkir choreographic school. It is possible to carry to the main works of the actor images Aitugang ("I love you, life" Nariman Sabitov), Yumagula ("A crane song" Lev Stepanov and Zagir Ismagilov), Alberta ("Giselle" Adolf Adan), Basil ("Don Quixote" Ludwig Minkus), Václav, Girey ("The Bakhchsarai fountain" Boris Asafyev), Désiré and Siegfried ("The sleeping beauty" and "The swan lake" Pyotr Tchaikovsky), Ali Batyr ("Shurale" Fareed Yarullin) and others.

Yulay Giniatovich successfully acted in Days of culture Bashkir as the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in Ulyanovsk (1968), Leningrad (1969), Days of literature and BASSR art in Kara-Kalpak (1976). He took active part in statement of numbers of the Ufa state circus in the first years of formation of collective.

Yulay Ushanov adequately proved p and in pedagogics, having brought up tens young people which found itself in life, having become known masters of the ballet.

the warmest memories of it are stored by Emma Timirgazina, Zukhra Ilyasova, Iskander Amantayev, Rinat Abushakhmanov and many other known actors. The ballerina and the teacher Leonora Kuvatova remembered: "Yulay Ushanov was also my partner in a number of performances, and the friend of ours with Shamil Teregulov of a family. Therefore knew it and as person of big kindness, keenness, reliability, and as remarkable dancer, high, beautiful, in any party of the organic. And his pupils simply store memory of Yulaye Giniatovich as about the favourite teacher, they emphasize that it laid in them the foundation which help with a profession and today". Very highly the patriarch of the Bashkir dance, nowadays the late Hashim Mustayev responded about Yulaya Ushanov's talent.

For big merits in cultural development Yulay Ushanov was marked out by honorary titles of the honored and national artist Bashkir the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

were Lived by Yulay Giniatovich very little. He died on February 2, 2002, on the 57th year of life, and is buried on a cemetery of the village of Sharipovo of the Kushnarenkovsky area.

About life and creativity of this remarkable master of the ballet can be read in the sixth volume of the Bashkir encyclopedia, sites "The cultural world of Bashkortostan" and "Film Teatr.Ru" . Yulaya Ushanov's name is entered in lists of outstanding graduates of the Perm choreographic school.

Today in Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre the ballet memorial evening of Yulaya Ushanov will take place. Audience will see the ballet "Crane Song" in which Yulay Giniatovich excellent played Yumagul's role.
