Allen: The formula 1 has to become closer to fans

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Many teams and racers actively use social networks for communication with fans, but organizers of the championship obviously work not enough in this area. According to the managing director of the autodrome in Silverstone Patrick Allen, the situation needs to be changed.

"Me it seems to p, the championship has to become more available to fans, – Patrick Allen on Autosport International Show which opened today in London declared. – The formula 1 has to become more available to fans who big money pays to look as their idols heroically battle on the route. They want to be closer to these people.

So was earlier. I doubt that we will ever return to times when Colin Chapman threw the cap in air while Lotus crossed finishing line. Nevertheless, fans have an opportunity to come nearer to the events on the route.

In return we can call only the Formula 1 management for bigger openness for fans, after all FOM controls it. If they followed the example of WEC and allowed the audience to become a little closer, it would do good to sports as a whole and would not distance the Formula 1 from its audience. It seems to me, WEC – an excellent example of how it can be made".

Patrick Linton Allan
Last position: Governor general of Jamaica (General-gubernator Jamaica)