The men's national volleyball team of the Russian Federation won the permit to the Olympic Games

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Russian national team won against champions of Europe of French the final of the Olympic qualification. Photo: RIA Novosti news agency Russian national team won against champions of Europe of French the final of the Olympic qualification. Photo : RIA Novosti news agency Having won against French the final of the European qualification in Berlin with the score 3:1 (14:25, 25:16, 25:23, 25:21), Russian men's national team won the permit to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The success costs much, after all French last 2015 were in good mood - won the European championship and World league. And in Berlin to the final "three-colored" rumpled the rivals, having lost only one game (it occurred in a match just against Russian national team). And here our team was pursued by problems - before tournament the national team lost the captain Dmitry Musersky who on family circumstances could not arrive to Germany, and at a group stage the serious injury was suffered by Dmitry Kovalyov.

the Ultimate goal was reached by p in many respects thanks to the wise and resolute head coach of the national team Vladimir Alekno. Its competent remarks and replacements decided destiny of the final which began for us with accident, and came to the end with triumph. Certainly, it was interesting to journalists to learn - as estimates team performance the mentor.

Vladimir Romanovich at the expense of what it was succeeded to win? After the first party it seemed that it is possible to finish game...

Vladimir Alekno: And me so it did not seem to b - it is necessary to play always up to the end. First of all showed character. Real, man's. Good fellows that managed to cope with nerves and forced the rival to be mistaken. In time and productively the block worked. It costs much. And French... they, of course, are very good, only early smile.

Tournament was given the difficult?

Vladimir Alekno: Not that word! It seems to me that on level it even was stronger than the European championship. Powerful teams fought really for this permit - generally, a fight was that is necessary. It is glad that we could be better.

what waits for us in Rio, do not think yet?

Vladimir Alekno: can Already begin, work is over what.

As always, did not refuse to communicate to the press and our veteran, the captain of Russian national team 40-year-old Sergey Tetyukhin who in Berlin proved the real leader of team:

4 "gold" were won at the Olympic Games by volleyball players of a men's national team of our country

- the Only thing, for what is offensive, so it for the first party where allowed inexcusable quantity of mistakes. The shake-up helped, and it became easier further. Played the pleasure and thought out nothing - French as it seemed to me, it simply did not expect and fell down. The most important, feeling of fight which we offered rivals, and that spirit which French caught with us in the previous match in group, in the final did not manage to catch. As a real man I want to tell thanks to Yura Berezhko and Sasha Markin who came to a platform and proved to be in all beauty.

Sergey, whether are ready to play at the Olympic Games and to repeat achievement of Evgenia Estes who took part in six Games?

Sergey Tetyukhin: early to tell b About it. It is important that we ensured a place in Rio. All the rest provide to trainers.

Who will play All Rio

12 national teams will make a speech at Games in Rio in man's tournament. For today the right to play at the Olympic Games, except owners of Brazilians, Russian national teams (the winner of the European selection) ensured, the USA, Italy (the owner of the World Cup and the second prize-winner respectively), Argentina (the winner of selection in South America), Cuba (the winner of selection in the zone NORCECA - North, Central America and Caribbean countries). Besides, the best team will go to Rio following the results of the African selection coming to the end today. The last permits will be played in two world qualifications. In May in Tokyo in the world tournament, combined with Asian selection (3%2B1 permits), eight teams - France, Poland, Canada, Venezuela, Japan, Iran, Australia, China will take part. In other world qualification for one permit two representatives of Africa, Mexico and Chile will battle.

" the Russian newspaper" - Federal release No. 6870 (2)
Vladimir Romanovich Alekno
Last position: Member of Public chamber of the Russian Federation (Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation)
Musersky Dimitri
Kovalev Dimitri
Tetyukhin Sergei