Left friends. Trainers whom thanked after leaving

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In the international day "Thanks" we remember Syomin, Kloppa, Ferguson and other trainers to whom fans feel only gratitude.

"Borussia Dortmund" and Juergen Klopp

Reason for gratitude: two championships of Germany, the Cup of Germany, a Champions League final, "gegenpressing" and some tens aphorisms

the Perspective trainer of "Mainz" did not suit "Hamburg" as looked unpresentably, but "Borussia" his appearance did not confuse. As a result Klopp and "Borussia" approached each other, as "Mentos" and "Coca": explosive mix shot in the championship twice and stopped only in a step from a victory in the Champions League. The team was bought up actively by grandees, then there was epidemic of injuries, and the dortmundets who have lost spirit long went to the last season in a departure zone. But as a result gathered a course and got to Euro cup, and the relations with Klopp remained with fans excellent. Farewell turned out at the same time large-scale, solemn and touching.

"Valencia" and Raphael Benites

Reason for gratitude: the championship of Spain (twice), the UEFA Cup

After Hector Cooper's leaving "Valencia" tried to catch Javier Irureta, Luis Aragones and Manet, but did not leave. Raphael Benites was only the fourth option, and it appeared the best of possible. While "Real" and "Barcelona" fought against internal crises, Benites picked up badly lying champion title twice. In 2004 the team won a double. Despite the offer of the new contract, Benites decided to move to "Liverpool". But the city remembered it. "We are eternally grateful to br", – fans of "Valencia" on January 3, 2016, almost in 12 years after farewell so met Benites. "Benites – a club legend also has to be met respectively", – the ex-president of "Valencia" told Hauma Orti.

"Locomotive" and Yury Syomin

Reason for gratitude: two championships of Russia, four Cups, two Supercups

For many years the words "Syomin" and "Locomotive" were almost synonyms. For many they remained synonyms still. When the trainer left club in the national team, it did not want to release neither players, nor fans, moreover, his name chanted on tribunes and in half a year when "Locomotive" fought for medals under the leadership of Vladimir Eshtrekov. Photo a banner in support of Yury Syomin http://www.sovsport.ru/s/a/pv2/230536.jpg?t=1291064702

B 2009 Syomin returned. In two seasons the club fought for medals, but the loud conflict to the president Olga Smorodskaya led to dismissal of the trainer. "Only Palych" – such banners reacted to dismissal fans of "Locomotive". They sided with Syomin who and associates today with the best time of club.

"Charlton" and Alan Kyorbishli

Reason for gratitude: transition and fixing in the Premier league

Minute of a football underground. Alan Kyorbishli finished career by the playing trainer in "Charltona", in 1991 he already was the assistant to the trainer though played two more seasons. And later individually headed club. It removed "Charlton" in the Premier league twice: from the first it was not succeeded to be fixed, but the club trusted the trainer, made some acquisitions and next year returned to elite for a long time. Only in the summer the 2006th Kyorbishli and "Charlton" left (Alan was the trainer of club in 729 matches). At the end of the last match the 27-thousand stadium rose to see off the mentor. By the way, without Kyorbishli "Atletik" in the next season took off from the Premier league.

"Zenith" and Dick Advocaat

Reason for gratitude: the championship of Russia, the UEFA Cup, other trophies, defeat of "Bavaria"

Advocaat – the first in this list who was dismissed from club. But when he left St. Petersburg, fans organized very warm farewell at the airport. They stretched a banner with gratitude words, arranged salute and sang the song and when Advocaat approached in honor of the trainer to say goodbye, chanted his name. Photo: Reuters

Dick Advocaat

"Sunderland" and Dick Advocaat

Reason for gratitude: rescue from a departure.

Perhaps, the most informal case in all selection. Dick Advocaat saved "Sunderland" from a departure and decided to finish trainer's career. "My wife will divorce from me if I continue to work", – he explained. But nevertheless changed the mind and remained for a year. Grateful fans of "Sunderland" collected two thousand pounds on flowers for Advocaat's wife. It is a pity that this lovely history ended with resignation in October, but Advocaat did not want to remain in club which fights for a survival.

"Manchester United" and Alex Ferguson

Reasons for gratitude: 26 years of years, 38 trophies – and everything that is behind these improbable numbers. Also we will not forget about a bonus: he kept the word and "dumped "Liverpool" from their fucking perch".

there is no sense to list all achievements "Yunayted" during Ferguson's era: there is too much them for one article. In the farewell speech the sir Alex Ferguson , in an invariable black coat, under a small rain, near the players who have won the championship spoke as it is important that "in hard times the club remained a row and gave necessary support". His words were listened by 75 thousand people, and it is possible to reproach them only that they constantly interrupted the trainer an enthusiastic rumble. Roar. Applause.

And also

the list did not include Mourinho's partings with "Inter", Romantseva with "Spartak", O'Leary with "Leeds", and also other beautiful stories which you want to mention in comments. If stories it is gathered much, there will be a continuation. Source: "Championship"
Youri Pavlovich Semin
Main activity:Athlete
Jurgen Norbert Klopp
Last position: Trainer (FC "Liverpul")
Rafael Benitez
Main activity:Official
Ektor Raul Cooper
Last position: Soccer head coach Sbornoy of Uzbekistan (Football association Uzbekistan)
Borussia Dortmund
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Manchester United"
Main activity:Culture and sports