Minsk "Tsmoki" beat Tallinn "Kalev" in Uniform league of VTB

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Basketball players of the Minsk club "Tsmoki" interrupted with an a series from five defeats in a row in Uniform league of VTB.

on January 9 the Belarusian team surely beat houses Tallinn "Kalev" — 100:77 (25:24, 24:20, 30:15, 21:18).

as a part of owners points were gathered by Branko Mirkovich (19), Garret Shtutts (18), Alexander Kudryavtsev (15), Ivan Marash (15), Justin Gray (11), Anthony Hilliard (9), Vitaly Lyutych (5), Alexey Lashkevich (3), Pavel Ulyanko (3) and Evgeny Belyankov (2).

In standings of "Tsmoki" with six victories and nine defeats take the 9th place among 16 teams (a difference of points 1221-1281).
the Following match the Minsk club will spend br on January 24 at home against the Kazan Unix.

Aleksey Nikolaevich Lashkevich
Last position: Assistant to the head coach (BQ "Tsmoki-Minsk-2")
Branko Mirkovich
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Kudryavtsev Alexander
Grey Justin