The Australian tennis players won against a team of the USA a match of the Cup of Hopman

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of MOSCOW, 5 January - R-sports. the "Gold" team of Australia won against the national team of the USA a match tennis Hopman's Cup which passes in Perth (Australia).

In the first match between Serena Williams and Yarmiloy Wolf the victory was won by the Australian after the American refused fight continuation, having referred to an injury of a knee. Later Lleyton Hewitt won against American Jack Sok with the score 7:5, 6:4. In a final match Wolf and Hewitt beat Juice and Victoria Duval in mikste - 7:6 (7:4), 6:1.

Australians won the first victory on tournament while for an American team defeat became the second in a row.

In the following match Australians will play p with Ukrainians, and Americans will meet Czechs. Both matches will pass on January 7.

Serena Williams
Main activity:Athlete
Victoria Dyuval
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Jack Sok
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis