Gomel businessmen: "Us, amoebas, put in one frame with sharks of business"

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Owners of outlets protest against requirements of the presidential decree No. 222.

tens businessmen who had outlets in the largest objects and the markets gathered on January 5 In the Gomel shopping center "Sekret" ("Secret", "Central", "Prudkovsky", "Davydovsky", "Black Sea", "Near the station"). Their work is actually paralyzed since January 1 when the presidential decree No. 222 came into force. It provides that now individual entrepreneurs have the right to trade in goods of light industry of the countries of the Customs union only in the presence of accompanying documents on them confirming their legal origin and safety for buyers.

As expressed at meeting the chairman of the board of businessmen of Shopping Center Sekret Natalya Dasko , her colleagues now are in "hysterical state of shock" and do not know how to live further: "Ahead — uncertainty which frightens people and shocks. Here we decided to gather. We wait the compromise, reasonable decisions from the country leaders. It is wrong — to put it in one frame of the payer of a uniform tax with scanty, cheap turns, practically — business amoebas, with billionaires — sharks of business".

according to Dasko, one and a half years businessmen addressed to the country leaders — asked to find any decision which would allow representatives of small business to work. "To whom this crazy thought came to mind — to balance the large enterprises and firms with SP? In exchange the state did not give us anything — and after all promised the wholesale markets, the logistic centers, but it is not present anything. We from anybody ask nothing, simply give the chance to us to work! " , Natalya sounded the general requirements.

her colleague Svetlana Kalachyova emphasized that SP did attempts to take a necessary package of documents from suppliers, but it appeared it is impossible: "Moscow it does not give to us! Suppliers - residents of other country, at them are other laws, we cannot bear for them responsibility. Moscow began to refuse us — our problems are not necessary to them, Russians can and trade so, why in it an excess headache? " . the Chairman of the board of businessmen of the Tsentralny market Nadezhda Komova told br to br how itself tried to receive documents on goods at suppliers: "I for documents gave to one thousand dollars. 18% needed to be paid in addition there, in Russia, and in Belarus of 20% of the VAT. As a result the goods became too expensive. Today the situation with us — is the tragedy" .

It declared that businessmen bring huge benefit: ask nothing from the state, taxes pay, hold charitable events. So, in 2015 of SP of the Tsentralny market listed for needs of disabled children of 47 million rubles, and in 2014 constructed a playground. "We want to live here, in our state, in our city, to work and share profit with our people" , were summarized by Nadezhda Komova.

In the 90th years of the last century, Oksana Selyukova noted , "when it was heavy to state to provide the population with goods of light industry, SP were organized, and at that difficult moment when the state needed to close these a niche — we closed it", and now these people throw out on the street. The businessman shared the history: 38 years of an experience, the veteran of work, the liquidator of accident on the CNPP, and pension to it counted a little more than 1,9 million rubles because SP have the lowered coefficient. At the same time, taxes Oksana Selyukova pays in a year about 15 million rubles. "Me in December checked KGK according to these documents. Three years I was going to work with documents, paid a lot of money and so on. But to undergo this testing — it is impossible, simply believe me, neither morally, nor physically — it is impossible. Because Gosstandart, OBEP, KGK was declared, and dug so that sand flied from hoofs in different directions. This crew rustled everywhere! It is terrible force! I simply warn you — who has no full, authentic documents — do not file them, it everything will be against you" , addressed to Selyukov's colleagues.
It "very grudges for br" those colleagues, those 5-7% which since January 1 nevertheless came to work. "With very many people from us now for 50-55 years , were emphasized by the businessman. — to We are already necessary to nobody to em, were left in the basket and pension did not earn. It would be desirable that the state at such critical moment found a compromise and listened to us. It is the last cry from the heart, let's sit down at a negotiating table, let's talk and find with us those points which will suit us also the country leaders too".

the Businessman with the Privokzalny market Tatyana Donets paid attention to such fact: from SP withdraw goods which without certificate, and then sell it in shop of the confiscated goods, and there nobody demands any documents. "I all life trade in pants and the bras, many carry them, and what — someone had an allergy, an itch, louses were got? My children and grandsons carry these "rags" as many call, since the birth. Nobody fell ill. I have 2,2 million rubles pension, 500 thousand are given for utilities, one million — on a forage to a dog, it at me guards the house. What remains to me? scraps from my dog? Us works deprive, of our cheap earnings! " by are considered by Tatyana

At meeting the appeal to businessmen sounded to keep together: "Because today I already hear : here Vanya came to work, tomorrow Tanya leaves. Children, let's remain people! Let's sustain this pause amicably! "
Many individual entrepreneurs of Gomel tell em to br about determination to go on a forum of businessmen to Minsk which is planned for January 11.

Dasko Natalia
Kalacheva Svetlana
Komova Nadezhda
Selyukova Oksana
Market "Tsentralny"