Did not sweat at all. Fyodor Emelyanenko victoriously returned to fights

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Old kind PRIDE, female terminator, healthy fellows sumoist and the quiet Emelyanenko finishing Singh — in New Year's Japanese tournament.

One is still wet behind the ears

Even the first day of competitions in Saitam showed that founders of RIZIN managed to revive all the best that was in PRIDE. It is clear that to return from UFC of the best fighters and to make all duels competitive right now it is impossible, but Japanese besides good money put all heart and soul in show and forced ponostalgirovat fans of MMA with an experience. Habitual bright exits and representation of fighters, blows feet and knees in orchestra seats, a ring and the people who are not allowing to fighters to drop out for ropes, bortsovka standing and 10-minute rounds, and also improbable giants among whom were not only men, but also women. Someone can consider it as an excess, but make something better than UFC in their format now it is impossible, means it is necessary to look for new formats, to fight for fighters and audience.

were Opened day by Grand Prix semi-finals. In first Muhammad Laval on experience and a class dealt with the Lithuanian Tuodoras Aukshtuolis . The champion Shooto first not bad snapped in a rack, but looked against the American too clamped. Because of it it than it is necessary for a thicket Jeb caught and not always managed to answer. Laval tried to shake it gesticulation and conversations at acquiescence of John McCarthy . In the second round the Lithuanian is considerably tired, and Laval started transferring fight to orchestra seats where it frankly broke already. To Aukshtuolis's honor, he met a final gong standing, but Laval's victory did not doubt not only judges, and all sitting a hall.

Nemkov's Sure victory in the first round of the Grand Prix over Goran Relyich gave to hope to the Russian admirers of single combats that the Russian prospectus will be able to be overcome and for a victory in the Grand Prix. First it at all did not concede to the strong Czech drummer Jerzy Prokhazke, got series in a rack and transferred fight to orchestra seats where seriously disturbed him in dense blows. Fight took place in such high speed that to the middle of the first 10-minute round fighters exhausted. It happened to Nemkov quicker that poured out in position loss. Prokhazka was rather grounded in orchestra seats and almost strangled the Russian because of a back. In a round ending it carried out some successful attacks in a rack, and the throw last seconds took away all forces from Vadim. It could not come to the second round already physically.

the Mobile sumoist and female terminator

the Second representative of Bellator Brennan Ward too, as well as Laval, left in wrestling footwear that compels to refuse blows foot. His rival — unbeaten Ken Hasegava — drove more than ten kilograms to get to a limit of intermediate weight, and, seemingly, it and knocked down it. In any case it began not bad and, though was shaken lateral Ward, perfectly felt in orchestra seats and owned an initiative. The fatigue began to collect by the end of the first ten-minute, and in the second Ward at first hurt it in a rack, and then got for a back and brought to mind suffocation.

In Russian there is such definition — "virago". It when in a ring there were two amazons weighing under 100 kilograms — Gaby Garcia was remembered and Pour D'Tap . The Brazilian was considered as the obvious favourite as behind her shoulders there was about ten victories in the ju-jitsu championships, and tongolezka became famous only in pro-wrestling. Fight reminded a drunk fight in the bar and almost came to the end with sensation. Gaby who should work over protection, passed blow and it appeared in a knock-down. Further the Brazilian got it together, pleased with a revolving object after which rigidly finished the competitor. In principle such fight can be seen and performed by men weighing 150 kg.

Results of tournament:

the Grand Prix Final to 100 kg. Muhammad Laval (USA) (19-4) — Jerzy Prokhazka (Czech Republic) (16-3-1) — Laval's victory a knockout in the first round.

Over 93 kg. Fyodor Emelyanenko (Russia) (35-4) — Dzhaydip Singh (India) (2-1) — Emelyanenko's victory delivery of the rival from blows in the first round.

To 66 kg. Gracie's (Brazil) Kroner (2-0) — Asen Yamamoto (Japan) (0-1) — Gracie's victory suffocation by a triangle in the first round.

To 72 kg. Andy Sauer (Holland) (1-0) — Yuitiro Nagasima (Japan) (4-3) — Sauer's victory a knockout in the first round.

Over 120 kg. Peter Arts (Holland) (1-2) — Kaydo Hyovelson (Estonia) (1-0) — Hyovelson's victory the unanimous decision of judges.

of Shutboksing. Over 120 kg. Chad Rowan (USA) — Bob Sapp (USA) — Sapp's victory the unanimous decision of judges.

of the Woman to 100 kg. Gaby Garcia (Brazil) (1-0) — Seyni Dron (USA) (0-1) — Garcia's victory a technical knockout in the first round.

K-1. To 57 kg. to Tucker (Japan) (23-1) — Jan Min (China) (33-7) — a victory to Tucker a technical knockout in the second round.

To 61 kg. SU Chkhul Kim (Korea) (12-5-1) — Mike Linyares (Brazil) (9-1) — Kim's victory the unanimous decision of judges.

To 81 kg. Ken Hasegava (Japan) (10-1-1) — Brennan Ward (USA) (13-3) — Ward's victory suffocation because of a back in the second round.

To 100 kg. 1/2 Grand Prix

Victor Nemkov (Russia) (5-1) — Jerzy Prokhazka (Czech Republic) (16-2-1) — Prokhazki's victory a technical knockout in the first round.

Muhammad Laval (USA) (18-4) — Teodoras Aukshtuolis (Lithuania) (8-3) — Laval's victory the unanimous decision of judges.

of the Woman to 51 kg. Rena Kubota (Japan) (1-0) — Ileana Valentino (Italy) (0-1) — Kubota's victory the elbow lever in the second round.
Sumoista in MMA — it almost always freaks, as confirmed the next show of Yokodzuna Akebono and the clown Bob Sapp . To describe this sickening action I, with your permission, I will not be, and I will better mark out the best representative of the world a bag in MMA of Kaydo Hyovelson . Still rollers preceding fight showed that it in an excellent form for the 180-kilogram giant, quickly runs, dexterously beats a bag and that in pure form is not. Certainly, governed with three-minute rounds and the rival — the 45-year-old kickboxer Peter Arts pulled out from naphthalene — do not allow to estimate up to the end Baruto's potential, but in fight it did everything correctly.

Quickly reduced a distance, skillfully transferred fight to orchestra seats, after all Hyovelson's base first of all judo and showed quite decent graund-and-paund. Arts, of course, that still the greppler, but too showed ability to be protected from painful by Baruto and for three rounds was tired no more than the rival veteran. Considering popularity of MMA in Japan, promoters can start doing of it a star. It could cut the same Sapp on nuts right now, and with arrival of experience it is possible to threaten and on Mariusz by Pudzyanovsky .

the Victory in a training mode and possible future rival

the brightest fight of evening turned out a duel of representatives of the brightest combative surnames. Who Rikson Gracie's such — the father Krona — and how many at it still relatives champions, it is necessary to explain nobody. At his rival of 19-year Asen Yamomoto the family is absolutely not worse than b. The grandfather — the participant of the Olympic Games-1972, the father, mother and the aunt also glorified fighters, and the uncle Norifumi Yamomoto — a legend of Japanese MMA. First the Japanese offspring better looked in a rack but when Gracie reached native elements to him was not become stronger. Kroner used the second chance of reception and caught the rival on a triangle. Rikson standing in a corner smiled from under a baseball cap enough, was proud of the son and remembered how 18 years ago in the debut show PRIDE it also defended honor of a family, having won against Nobukhiko Takada .

Thanks to bright fight the public was ready to the second coming of the emperor. Fyodor passed by phones which have become silent and shining by hundreds a hall in a habitual red sambovka, but under the new song. Before a duel the general manager of RIZIN Nobukhiko Takada handed over to Fyodor a belt in acknowledgement of his merits before Japanese MMA, however such non-standard course did not discompose our fighter. Emelyanenko the habitual raised right hand greeted a hall and quietly started looking narrowly at the rival while Singh obviously was nervous.
Fyodor, of course, acted with br more slowly, than in the best years, but reduced a distance in time and tried to throw the Hindu from a clinch twice. That in reply punched a knee, but on the bigger was not honored. Then Fyodor showed also a habitual fast series of blows which compelled Singh to go to protection and to pass a throw. Everything was farther as on training or a master class. The Hindu who has appeared in the unusual environment did not know what to do, and Emelyanenko, on the contrary, knew, and therefore did not hurry. The outcome came when it climbed in maunt and a series of short blows from the right started breaking the rival. McCarthy gave to Singh chance to escape, but that knocked, not in forces to suffer beating.
the Grand Prix Final, unfortunately, the Russian viewer did not see br though to look there was on what. Prokhazka already won two fights, being anderdogy and was not lost at all in the final. In a rack it willingly zarubalsya with the American also delivered it many problems the long extremities. However, the class and Laval's experience affected in the middle of the first round. It carried out brilliant attack and in the most powerful blow sent the Czech to a knockout. Than not the following rival for Fyodor who in inter-season period reaches the weight comparable to it and is ready to fight in tyazhakh. Source: "Championship"
Irzhi Prokhazka
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Fyodor Yemelyanenko
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Victor Aleksandrovich Nemkov
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts