Nominees on a youth theatrical award "Break" are declared

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ST. PETERSBURG, on December 28. Nominees on a youth theatrical award "Break" became known. About it to "Rosbalt" reported in the award organizing committee.

Bolshoi Drama Theater of Tovstonogov received 8 nominations, having won first place on quantity." The shelter of the comedian" settled down on the second line with six nominations, the New scene of Aleksandrinsky theater — on the third with five nominations. Award will hand over on March 14 on a scene of Kamennoostrovsky theater.

To the nominations "The Best Young Director" are presented: Maxim Didenko – for performance "Earth" statement (Aleksandrinsky theater); Sergey Larionov – for performance statement" %23motherfathersistersbrother "(" Dance Project Amoeba"); Mikhail Patlasov – for performance "Noise" statement (Aleksandrinsky theater); Evgenia Safonova – for performance "Brothers" statement ("A shelter of the comedian").

To the nominations "The Best Young Artist" are presented: Konstantin Solovyov – for the performance "Brothers" ("A shelter of the comedian"); Galina Solodovnikova – for the performance "Earth" (Aleksandrinsky theater).

To the nominations "The Best Young Actor" are presented: Andrey Arshinnikov – for Pantalone's role in performance "Zholdak Dreams: Thieves of feelings" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov); Maxim Bravtsov – for a role of doctor Lombardi in performance "Zholdak Dreams: Thieves of feelings" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov); Philip Dyachkov – for Dmitry Karamazov's role in the performance "Brothers" ("A shelter of the comedian"); Philip Dyachkov – for Homa's role in the performance "Earth" (Aleksandrinsky theater); Alexander Koshkidko – for Enkidu's role in performance "Gilgamesh. About everything learned" (Lusores theater and a production center "Kontart"); Evgeny Perevalov – for roles of Alyosha Karamazov and the Devil in the performance "Brothers" ("A shelter of the comedian"); Sergey Stukalov – for roles of Voices of man's characters in performance "Zholdak Dreams: Thieves of feelings" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov).

To the nominations "The Best Young Actress" are presented: Yulia Deynega – for Roza's role in the performance "Drunk" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov); Polina Dudkina – for roles of Voices of female characters in performance "Zholdak Dreams: Thieves of feelings" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov); Aleksandra Magelatova – for a role of the Black angel in performance "Zholdak Dreams: Thieves of feelings" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov); Ksenia Morozova – for Nadezhda Krupskaya's role in the performance "Love and Lenin" (Masterskaya theater); Alice Oleynik – for Dorathea's role in the performance "Barrier" (Osobnyak theater and a production center "Kontart"); Nadezhda Tolubeeva – for Katerina Ivanovna's role in the performance "Brothers" ("A shelter of the comedian"); Anna Shchetinina – for Elena Andreevna Serebryakova's roles in youth, Marya Vasilyevna Voynitskaya and Olga Petrovna Telegina in performance "the Uncle Vanya. Work of the actor on a role" ("The Baltic house").

To the nominations "The Best Young Performer of a Supporting Role" are presented: Sergey Volkov – for Smerdyakov's role in the performance "Brothers" ("A shelter of the comedian"); Maria Zimina – for roles of the She-ass and the princess Tatyana in the performance "Telluriya" (Aleksandrinsky theater); Victor Knyazhev – for Max's role in the performance "Drunk" (Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov).

B the nomination "The Best Young Manager" are presented: Semyon Aleksandrovsky and Vitaly Eroshenya – for creation and development of the theatrical project "Pop up theater"; Ekaterina Arsenyeva and Pavel Smirnov – for development of a production center "Kontart", the organization of tours of the performance "Passenger", creation of the performances "Notes of the Madman", "Barrier", "Gilgamesh. About everything learned", "Dao"; Olga Vlasova and Boris Pavlovich – for implementation of social and educational projects of Big Drama Theatre of Tovstonogov; Ksenia Volkova – for carrying out the First May Petersburg show case.

Eugenie Perevalov
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Julia Deynega
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Victor Aleksandrovich Knyazhev
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Andrey Arshinnikov
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Maxime Mikhaylovich Bravtsov
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)