10 most perspective forwards of world soccer till 20 years

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the Son Diego Simeón, the next Traora, the multimillion beginner of "MU" and other forwards who soon become the main stars of soccer.

10. Giovanny Simeon – 19 years, "Banfild" (Argentina)

Nationality: Argentina

Biography. "The son of the football player" is a cliche a tick seizes biographies of many young children. But units can dump it from the shoulders only. Ask, for example, Casper Shmeykhel's , and he will tell how sons are irritated by their comparison with fathers. Giovanny Simeon too will give to you lecture on this question – while all consider him only as the son Diego, that which now forces to gnaw a grass of each player "Atletiko". Madrid, by the way, became the hometown for Simeon Jr. – Giovanni was born here when his father did a gold double with "mattress makers".

Giovanni's Game career was until recently modest – it could not break through in the "River Pleyt" basis in any way. Everything was changed by a trip to the championship of South America of U20 in which Simeon hammered nine balls. In the summer Giovanni decided to leave a fatherly shadow, to leave his darling of "River" and to get over in "Banfild". Time shows that Simeon Jr. made as it is necessary – in the Aperture he hammered for "drill" of 7 balls.

Short analysis. Experts on the Argentina soccer find b something the general between Giovanni and Karim Benzema. No, not in problems with the law – both well move, possess an instinct of the murderer and are able to finish attacks coolly. And it as we know, the main thing for the forward.

9. James Wilson – 20 years, "Brighton" (England)

Nationality: England

Biography. They say that in the summer of 2014th of Dannii Uelbek were left by "Manchester United" when learned that will be only the fifth forward in "MU" – and ahead of it in Louis van Gala's hierarchy there was young James Wilson . It always advanced contemporaries – in 15 years played for "red devils" U18, and in 18 years became the key team player of U21. Moreover, Ryan Giggs allowed young Wilson to take the first step in the last round of a season-2013/14 on "Old Trafford". And James thanked the trainer for trust, having twice hammered "Hull".

Alas, now Wilson curtailed a little not there. If in last season the young forward incidentally left for "Yunayted" and even hammered (into "KPR" gate), in this season James mostly played again for U21. In the fall Wilson rented to "Brighton", however in the most tusovochny city of England too does not go yet – only 2 goals in 6 matches. But all England knows that Wilson can in the long term do not become worse than Harry Kane.

Short analysis. Wilson possesses excellent goal intuition, well owns both feet and is above very useful. But James is not the forward column. It has fast feet, he adores putting pressure on defenders, without allowing them to breathe freely. He likes to get a ball in the depth of a field then to be displaced in a penalty area and to threaten gate from there.

8. Gabriel Barbosa – 19 years, "Santos" (Brazil)

Nationality: Brazil

Biography. Very long time ago great Pelé grew in solar Santos. A few years ago in the same place, perfecting the feints and movements on trainings, Robinho and Neymar progressed. Now the new hero who will bring to club titles and good money is necessary to "Santos". Gabriel Barbosa – one more product of school of "Santos" where decades improve the recipe of training of talented forwards.

It signed the first adult contract in 16 years, and "Santos" broke at once inconceivable 50 million euros compensation for Barboza. The nickname New Neymar was pasted to it already then, and finally fixed after the first game for "Santos contra Vitoria" which Gabriel topped with the hammered ball. Every season its indicators grew in a geometrical progression – for example, in the 2015th in all tournaments it shot 28 balls.

Short analysis. the Main plus Gabriela Barbozy is considered by b understanding of game – he knows when it is necessary to make breakthrough at a speed of a race car of Formula One when it is necessary to go to an inking and when to execute an aggravating pass. From shortcomings – obvious problems with physical preparation: while everything suffices to Barboz at an o'clock of sharp game.

7. Luka Yovich – 18 years, "Tsrvena Zvezda" (Serbia)

Nationality: Serbia

Biography. "Tsrvena Zvezda's" Scout Tomislav Milicevic dug out Yovich when that was only seven years old. Still since then for Luka literally fought "Star" and "Guerrilla", and on a visit to the father of the child prodigy, Milan, "Betis's" scouts and "Stuttgart" came around. But when Luka asked where he wants to begin professional career, he without thoughts chose "Star". Yovich put on a red-white t-shirt in 16 years, having become most having broken Dejan Stankovic's record. And in the first match for "Star" hammered to "Voyvodina".

On Yovich's account already have some heads for "Tsrvena Zvezda", and fans see it the main forward of combined Serbia for many years. But not in the winter, so in the summer Yovich will leave Belgrad. The president of "Star" Zvezdan Terzich at first named Luka by "the Serbian Falkao" (a back-handed compliment, the truth), and then sold 70% of the rights for the player. So now Yovich's career depends not only on desire of the player.

Short analysis. Yovich possesses all abilities necessary for the modern forward – it is plastic, well feels the moment, adores opening on the verge of an offside. And still Luka is very technical, capable to scatter in couple of feints the defender in a penal platform.

6. Bertrán Traore – 20 years, "Chelsea" (England)

Nationality: Burkina Faso

Biography. it is difficult for b to believe In it, but African akselerat it became known to narrow public in 16 years – then Paulo Duarte called Bertrán in the national team of Burkina Faso on the Cup of Africa and even entrusted young Traore particles of game time. Already then he was one of the most talented children in Chelsea academy where it called in from French "Oser". But units – therefore no wonder can play on "Stemford Bridge" at so early age only that Traore showed the potential, having gone to rent.

One and a half years spent in Dutch "Vitesse", considerably lifted Traore's actions. For time spent in a yellow-black t-shirt of "eagles", Bertrán hammered 20 balls, and especially powerfully carried out the second circle of a season-2014/15 – then the trainer "Vitessa" Peter Bosch decided to transfer Traore from the right wing of attack to an edge. Having seen, what wonders Bertrán works in Arnhem, José Mourinho decided not to send Traore to the next rent in the summer. But while Bertrán sits without game practice – only seven minutes in a nuclear submarine, in a match with "Bournemouth".

Short analysis. Not for nothing Peter Bosch called Traore the player beyond the years mature – it developed football intelligence, he catches a goal smell, but is not greedy and is able to share a ball with companions. His technician admired literally each fan in the Netherlands. Favourite action – shift from the right flank in the center in Arjen Robben's style.

5. Donis Avdiyay – 19 years, "Storm" (Austria)

Nationality: Germany/Albania

Biography. the System of youthful soccer in Germany is built by b as hours – and therefore no wonder that annually in the country appear new people. It is difficult to believe in it, but already children of 1996 year of birth – Johnathan Ta, Yulian Brandt, Timo Verner – already raise dust b in the Bundesliga. Donis Avdiyay – following on turn. While it is difficult to it to break through in "Shalke's" basis, because it and is sent to rent in Austrian "Storm". But the guy unambiguously leaves sense – differently to "miners" already faxes now would not come from England.

Avdiyay, whose surname reflects the Albanian roots (in Albania even planned to play it for the national team, but Donis hardly will try on a t-shirt "mountain eagles"), his companion on "Shalke" Max Mayer came from a futsal, as well as. Therefore also equipment at Donis on the verge of a fantasy. In the youthful kyonigsblau teams of Avdiyay broke all imaginable records of productivity (44 years in 25 games for U19 – as to you? ) but chance in "Shalke", unlike Mayer or Sana'a, yet did not receive. However, in the summer, after return from "Storm", Avdiyay is simply obliged to play on "Feltins-Arene".

Short analysis. the Futsal taught Avdiyaya to make quickly decisions, it is easy to string one rival behind another and dexterously to understand a penalty area – in big soccer it was not gone. It is fast, good in fight. Shortcoming – irascibility: Donis likes to grab a silly red card or for some reason to fly to the rival in feet.

4. Davy Zelke – 20 years, "Red Bull Leipzig" (Germany)

Nationality: Germany

Biography. the Scheme with "the false nine" gradually dies, and it is recognized even by the most rested trainers doing this innovation popular. Here and Joachim Loew is convinced by b that the pure forward, instead of "the false nine" – because it is necessary to German national team and calls from Turkey Mario Gómez's old kind . But it only makeshift – all Germany waits when young Davy Zelke's star will be lit. It, of course, not so Aryan blood, his mother a sort from the Czech Republic, and the father – the Ethiopian. But it did not prevent Zelke to be a headliner of all youthful German national teams for which he plays from 16 years.

Zelke long looked for the team, knocking about on small (and not really) to clubs of Germany. But it found the happiness in the 2013th, having located on the river bank Weser. The trainer of "Werder" Victor Skripnik , Zelke on the spot struck by talent, trained him year for the first team of "musicians", and then gave Davy a lot of game time in a basis. Zelke hammered 9 balls in the Bundesliga, received the tempting offer from branch of the football empire "Red Bull" from Leipzig, and to "Werder" brought in a moneybox of 8 million euros. At "Hoffenkhaym" bremenets spent for purchase of the player 160 times less.

Short analysis. Zelke – the excellent modern forward, able to manage in others penalty. It is very dexterous, possesses an instinct of the murderer and good goal nose. Among minuses it is possible to note only head-playing – for the player with growth of 192 cm it could be better.

Video. 1:0 Zelke ("Werder") the account opens
match Online translation "Werder" — "Borussia" D