Alexey Lovchev: I did not accept the forbidden preparations

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On Thursday on a site of the International federation of weightlifting (IWF) the list from 17 shtangist was published, whose doping tests And yielded positive result. Among them four Russians.

Is the world champion in a super heavyweight Alexey Lovchev, Olga Zubova, Alexey Kosov and Olga Afanasyeva. Plus 13 athletes from other countries: four Azerbaijanians, three Kazakhs, two Moldavians, two South Koreans and one Greek. The preparation found in an organism of Alexey Lovchev, – ipamorelin. It treats group of peptide hormones, strengthens secretion of a hormone of growth, treats the last generation of hormones – stimulators of development of a hormone of growth. In case of positive result of doping test of B the athlete is threatened by four years' disqualification.

the World record-holder on weightlifting commented to "The Soviet sports" on a situation with discharge it from competitions after positive result of doping test And, taken from it in November in the World Cup in Houston." I really am shocked. I always was for pure sports, without dope. For all the career I passed improbable quantity of doping tests, and problems with doping services of me never arose. No suspicions, never and on anything existed. Before tournament in America us repeatedly tested. All analyses were negative. I after all while believe that this misunderstanding and everything will be resolved. Many support me, thanks to them big. I believe that it everything because of a political situation — plot against Russia".

"All of us believe that everything is formed and we hope for a fair play. With absolute confidence I can tell that I pure. At me could be nothing forbidden in an organism. All of us are sure of it" – Alexey Lovchev declared.