Single mother became a porno star to buy the son a gift for Christmas

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The five-year-old child did not estimate an act of the mother because to his friends presented more expensive gifts. the Photo: instagram

In Great Britain the young resident Portsmouth decided to act in the pornofilm to buy the child expensive gift for Christmas, reports Metro.

20-year-old Meagen Clara one brings up the son Ashton, to which five years. To please the child for Christmas, the girl decided to take extreme measures and to become a star of movies for adults. On the earned money the British bought the boy the game "Magic Screen", and also toys and new clothes. But the girl could not please the child. The kid was disappointed that his friends have more expensive gifts.

" A year ago I hardly could make ends meet, it was very heavy, and I was afraid that Asheton will be upset " — the girl told.

If last year it earned by p only about 119 dollars a week, after the pornocareer beginning its earnings considerably increased. Now young mother receives on 743 dollars for one episode at cinema for adults.

this year the girl spent 2,2 thousand dollars For Christmas gifts.

" Asheton wanted p the bicycle three years, and I at last could make his dream reality. This tremendous feeling. People say that it spoiled, but it not so. He is my one and only son, and now I had money to buy to it rather good things " — Klara admitted.

She also added that does not consider shooting in a porno as something bad. According to her, she does not buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, does not commit crimes.

" Ya I can spend the money as I want. Why I cannot spend them for Asheton and for myself? I was bothered by people who constantly accuse me, other mothers of school who are whispered behind my back. I never will cease to do that I love, and haters only will make me stronger " — the girl told.