In Tyva Republic for orphans built 22 houses without light and water
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44 apartments for orphan children in one of areas Tyva Republic recognized unsuitable for accommodation. Check of observance of the rights of orphan children and children without parental support, Prosecutor's office Ulug-Khemsky district Tyva Republic carried out. by

It was established that on a state program in 2014 in the city Shagonar constructed 22 two-flat houses, as the customer on their construction the public state institution "Gosstroyzakaz" acted. When construction of houses came to the end, the regional administration granted permission for input of objects in operation. 44 apartments provided to orphan children and children without parental support.

However during check it became clear p that the customer did not send to Respublikansky service of State home inspection the notice with enclosed documents on construction of houses for orphan children therefore during construction the Service did not exercise construction supervision of compliance of performed works of project documentation and to technical regulations.

"In houses there is no electricity, there is no water supply that does accommodation in the built houses to the extremely noncomfortable. Besides, public prosecutor's check revealed numerous shortcomings of installation and construction works. Due to the non-performance by administration Ulug-Khemsky district and Public institution Tyva Republic "GSZ" duties by definition of specifications of connection of objects to networks of technical providing in the specified premises are absent favorable and safe conditions for their use" — explained in prosecutor's office.

the Prosecutor appealed to court with the statement of claim about compulsion of administration Ulug-Khemsky district to connection of houses to power supply networks and elimination of the shortcomings allowed by production of installation and construction works. The court satisfied claims of the prosecutor.